Paul V
Paul V,
1552–1621, pope (1605–21), a Roman named Camillo Borghese; successor of Leo XI. He was created cardinal (1596) by Clement VIIIClement VIII,1536–1605, pope (1592–1605), a Florentine named Ippolito Aldobrandini; successor of Innocent IX. He reversed the policy of his predecessors by allying the Holy See with France rather than with Spain, which had assumed a dictatorial attitude over the
..... Click the link for more information. and was renowned for his knowledge of canon law. On his election as pope he set out at once to restore all the prerogatives the papacy had ever enjoyed. He soon quarreled with Venice, where clergymen were tried by civil courts and churches could not be built without government consent. In the dispute Paolo SarpiSarpi, Paolo
, 1552–1623, Venetian councillor, theologian, and historian. In 1565 he became a Servite friar and later theologian and adviser to the republic. In the conflict that developed in 1606 between Venice and Pope Paul V he staunchly defended in his writings the
..... Click the link for more information. led the Venetian side and cardinals BaroniusBaronius, Caesar
, 1538–1607, Italian ecclesiastical historian, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He went to Rome c.1557 and soon came under the tutelage of St. Philip Neri.
..... Click the link for more information. and BellarmineBellarmine, Saint Robert
, 1542–1621, Italian theologian, cardinal, Doctor of the Church, and a principal influence in the Counter Reformation. His full name was Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino.
..... Click the link for more information. the cause of the Holy See. In 1606 the pope put Venice under interdict, but the Venetian clergy refused to obey. The quarrel ended in 1607 with a Venetian victory. Paul also had a disagreement with France over GallicanismGallicanism
, in French Roman Catholicism, tradition of resistance to papal authority. It was in opposition to ultramontanism, the view that accorded the papacy complete authority over the universal church.
..... Click the link for more information. and with James I of England over oaths of allegiance. His chapel in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, is famous. He was succeeded by Gregory XV.