Acronym | Definition |
RCH➣Reach |
RCH➣Royal Children's Hospital (Australia) |
RCH➣Rockbridge County High (Lexington, VA) |
RCH➣Red Carnation Hotel (various locations) |
RCH➣Reproductive and Child Health |
RCH➣Random Access Channel |
RCH➣Recognised Clearing House (banking; UK) |
RCH➣Riohacha, Colombia (Airport Code) |
RCH➣Rectocolite Hémorragique (French: Ulcerative Colitis) |
RCH➣Residential Care Home |
RCH➣Railway Clearing House (UK) |
RCH➣Research in Computing for Humanities (University of Kentucky) |
RCH➣Recreation Center for the Handicapped (now the Janet Pomeroy Center) |
RCH➣Raleigh Community Hospital (Raleigh, NC) |
RCH➣Receive Channel |
RCH➣Race Relations, Cross Cultural Understanding, and Human Rights (school board policy; Canada) |
RCH➣Registered Canine Hydrotherapist (National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists) |
RCH➣Random-Access Channel (also abbreviated RACH) |
RCH➣Royal Canadian Hussars (Montreal, QB, Canada) |
RCH➣Royal Canadian Hussars (Canadian Forces reserve regiment) |
RCH➣Rice Corporation of Haiti |
RCH➣Remote Control Head |
RCH➣Reims Champagne Hockey (French hockey team) |
RCH➣Réalisation et Conseils Hyperbares (French military equipment supplier) |
RCH➣Ruhrchemie AG |
RCH➣Regional Cable Head (cable TV industry) |
RCH➣Fine Unit of Measurement (see BCH) |
RCH➣Rush-Copley Healthplex (fitness center; Aurora, IL) |
RCH➣Religious and Cultural Heritage |
RCH➣Radial Contouring Hitch (tractor component) |