


an archaeological culture of the Aeneolithic period widespread in Kansu Province in northwestern China; a painted pottery culture. It was studied by the Swedish archaeologist J. Andersson, who discovered it on Mount Ssuwa, near Lint’ao. The characteristic Ssuwa custom of cremating the dead is grounds for presuming a connection between this culture and the Tibeto-Burmese Chin tribes, which lived in the second and first millennium B.C. along the upper Huang Ho.


Hsia Nai. “Lint’ao Ssuwashan fatsiuotsi (Otchet o raskopkakh na gore Syva v Lin’tao).” In Trudy po arkheologii Kitaia. Peking, 1961.
Andersson, J. G. “Researches Into the Prehistory of the Chinese.” Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, 1943, no. 15.