

单词 sensory aphasia

sensory aphasia

Noun1.sensory aphasia - aphasia characterized by fluent but meaningless speech and severe impairment of the ability understand spoken or written wordsfluent aphasia, impressive aphasia, receptive aphasia, Wernicke's aphasiaaphasia - inability to use or understand language (spoken or written) because of a brain lesion

sensory aphasia

sensory aphasia

[′sen·sə·rē a′fā·zhə] (medicine) A form of aphasia in which the perception of sounds as language is partially preserved, but the patient is unable to comprehend the meaning of words, and in speaking, words are evoked with difficulty, are used incorrectly, and do not convey ideas correctly, resulting frequently in other forms of language impairment, particularly in agrammatism. Also known as receptive aphasia.

sensory aphasia


 [ah-fa´zhah] a type of speech disorder" >speech disorder consisting of a defect or loss of the power of expression by speech, writing, or signs, or of comprehension of spoken or written language, due to disease or injury of the brain centers, such as after stroke syndrome on the left side.Patient Care. Aphasia is a complex phenomenon manifested in numerous ways. The recovery period is often very long, even months or years. Because communication is such a vital part of everyday living, loss of the ability to communicate with words, whether in speaking or writing, can profoundly affect the personality and behavior of a patient. Although aphasic persons usually require extensive treatment by specially trained speech patholigists or therapists, all persons concerned with the care of the patient should practice techniques that will help minimize frustration and improve communication with such patients.amnestic aphasia anomic aphasia.anomic aphasia inability to name objects, qualities, or conditions. Called also amnestic or nominal aphasia.ataxic aphasia expressive aphasia.auditory aphasia loss of ability to comprehend spoken language. Called also word deafness.Broca's aphasia motor aphasia.conduction aphasia aphasia due to a lesion of the pathway between the sensory and motor speech centers.expressive aphasia motor aphasia.fluent aphasia that in which speech is well articulated (usually 200 or more words per minute) and grammatically correct but is lacking in content and meaning.global aphasia total aphasia involving all the functions that go to make up speech and communication.jargon aphasia that with utterance of meaningless phrases, either neologisms or incoherently arranged known words.mixed aphasia combined expressive and receptive aphasia.motor aphasia aphasia in which there is impairment of the ability to speak and write, owing to a lesion in the insula and surrounding operculum including Broca's motor speech area. The patient understands written and spoken words but has difficulty uttering the words. See also receptive aphasia. Called also logaphasia and Broca's, expressive, or nonfluent aphasia.nominal aphasia anomic aphasia.nonfluent aphasia motor aphasia.receptive aphasia inability to understand written, spoken, or tactile speech symbols, due to disease of the auditory and visual word centers, as in word blindness. See also motor aphasia. Called also logamnesia and sensory or Wernicke's aphasia.sensory aphasia receptive aphasia.visual aphasia alexia.Wernicke's aphasia receptive aphasia.

sen·so·ry a·pha·si·a

aphasia with impairment in the comprehension of spoken and written words, associated with effortless, articulated, but paraphrastic speech and writing; malformed words, substitute words, and neologisms are characteristic. When condition severe and speech is incomprehensible, it is called jargon aphasia. The patient often appears unaware of the deficit. Synonym(s): fluent aphasia, impressive aphasia, posterior aphasia, psychosensory aphasia, receptive aphasia, Wernicke aphasia

sensory aphasia

Wernicke's aphasia Neurology Aphasia comprised of 2 elements: (1) Impaired speech comprehension due largely to an inability to differentiate spoken and written phonemes–word elements–due to either involvement of the auditory association areas or separation from the 1º auditory complex; (2) Fluently articulated but paraphasic speech, which confirms a major role by the auditory region in regulating language; Pts with SA are voluble, gesticulate, and unaware of the incoherency of their speech; words are nonsubstantive, malformed, inappropriate–paraphasia. See Aphasia, Motor aphasia.

re·cep·tive a·pha·si·a

(rĕ-sĕp'tiv ă-fā'zē-ă) A condition including impairment in the comprehension of spoken and written words, associated with effortless, articulated, but paraphasic speech and writing; malformed words, substitute words, and neologisms are characteristic. When severe, and speech is incomprehensible, it is called jargon aphasia. The patient often appears unaware of this deficit. The lesion typically includes a portion of the superior temporal lobe.
Synonym(s): fluent aphasia, sensory aphasia, Wernicke aphasia.

sensory aphasia

Inability to appreciate the meaning of spoken or written words, gestures or signs. In speech, words are used incorrectly and do not convey the desired ideas. Sensory APHASIA is the result of brain damage, usually from STROKE.


Karl, German neurologist, 1848-1905. Gayet-Wernicke syndrome - Synonym(s): Wernicke syndromeWernicke aphasia - impairment in the comprehension of spoken and written words. Synonym(s): Bastian aphasia; sensory aphasiaWernicke area - Synonym(s): Wernicke centerWernicke center - the region of the cerebral cortex thought to be essential for understanding and formulating coherent, propositional speech. Synonym(s): sensory speech center; Wernicke area; Wernicke field; Wernicke region; Wernicke zoneWernicke cramp - psychogenic muscle cramp. Synonym(s): cramp neurosisWernicke disease - Synonym(s): Wernicke syndromeWernicke encephalopathy - Synonym(s): Wernicke syndromeWernicke field - Synonym(s): Wernicke centerWernicke radiation - the massive, fanlike fiber system passing from the lateral geniculate body of the thalamus to the visual cortex. Synonym(s): optic radiationWernicke reaction - in hemianopia, a reaction due to damage of the optic tract, consisting in loss of pupillary constriction when the light is directed to the blind side of the retina. Synonym(s): Wernicke signWernicke region - Synonym(s): Wernicke centerWernicke sign - Synonym(s): Wernicke reactionWernicke syndrome - a condition encountered in chronic alcoholics, characterized by disturbances in ocular motility, pupillary alterations, nystagmus, and ataxia with tremors. Synonym(s): Gayet disease; Gayet-Wernicke syndrome; superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis; Wernicke disease; Wernicke encephalopathyWernicke zone - Synonym(s): Wernicke centerWernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathyWernicke-Korsakoff syndrome - the coexistence of Wernicke and Korsakoff syndromes.Wernicke-Mann hemiplegia - extremity hemiplegia that is partial. Synonym(s): Wernicke-Mann paralysisWernicke-Mann paralysis - Synonym(s): Wernicke-Mann hemiplegia

sensory aphasia

Related to sensory aphasia: Wernicke's aphasia, motor aphasia
  • noun

Synonyms for sensory aphasia

noun aphasia characterized by fluent but meaningless speech and severe impairment of the ability understand spoken or written words


  • fluent aphasia
  • impressive aphasia
  • receptive aphasia
  • Wernicke's aphasia

Related Words

  • aphasia




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