


brothers; among the leaders of the counterrevolution in the Caucasus during 1918–19. Ossetians by nationality.

Lazar’ Fedorovich Bicherakhov. Born Nov. 15 (27), 1882; died after 1934. Colonel (1917) of the Terek Cossack troops. Participated in World War I on the Caucasian front.

Bicherakhov was in Iran in early 1918 at the head of a detachment of Terek Cossacks (800 men). In June 1918 he withdrew to Enzel’ where he contacted the English general Dunsterville, from whom he received considerable money and arms. Acting on Dunsterville’s instructions, Bicherakhov announced in June 1918 that he was switching to the side of Soviet power. He landed in the Baku area in July 1918 and entered into an agreement with the Baku Soviet; on July 10 he and his detachment became part of the Caucasian Red Army. On July 30, while commanding a defensive area at Baku against the Turkish interventionists, Bicherakhov left a front undefended (in order to create an opportunity for the English troops approaching Baku from the other side to enter the city) and went off to Dagestan. He captured Petrovsk (now Makhachkala) and established communications with General A. I. Denikin. Bicherakhov attempted to create a counterrevolutionary Caucasian-Caspian government. In 1919 he emigrated to England.

Georgii Fedorovich Bicherakhov. a Menshevik.

In 1918 Bicherakhov was associated with the English mission in Vladikavkaz and General Denikin. In summer 1918 he organized an anti-Soviet mutiny of White Cossacks in the Terek area. He led the counterrevolutionary Terek Soviet of Cossacks and Peasants, and later the Provisional Popular government of Terek Krai. After the mutiny was suppressed, Bicherakhov fled to Petrovsk in November 1918; there he joined his brother’s counterrevolutionary detachment.


Kadishev, A. B. Interventsiia i grazhdanskaia voina ν Zakavkaz’e. Moscow, 1960.
Mikoian, A. I. “O dniakh Bakinskoi kommuny: Iz vospominanii.” lunost’, 1967, nos. 11–12; 1968, nos. 1–2.