

单词 smh



abbr. shaking my head



An abbreviation for "shaking my head" or "shake my head," an expression of disbelief or exasperation (likened to the actual gesture of shaking one's head, which is used to express the same things). Did she really say that? SMH.


SMHSydney Morning Herald (Australia)
SMHSystem Management Homepage (Hewlett-Packard)
SMHSmack My Head
SMHSt Michael's Hospital
SMHSo Much Hate
SMHSarasota Memorial Hospital (Florida)
SMHShaking My Head
SMHState Mental Hospital (various locations)
SMHSignal Message Handling
SMHSex Might Help
SMHSo Much Hell
SMHSaint Martin d'Hères (French commune)
SMHScratching My Head (Internet slang)
SMHSound Mental Health (various organizations)
SMHStudio Museum in Harlem (New York, NY)
SMHSoldiers Memorial Hospital (Canada)
SMHStrong Memorial Hospital
SMHShenandoah Memorial Hospital (Winchester, VA)
SMHScreening for Mental Health, Inc.
SMHSaturday Morning Hangover
SMHSystems Materials Handling
SMHSaint Mary's Hospital
SMHSpatial Mismatch Hypothesis (labor market theory)
SMHSanders Morris Harris Inc.
SMHSprague Memorial Hall (Hartford, KS)
SMHSEEMO Media Handbook
SMHSilicon Mountain Holdings (est. 1997; Colorado)
SMHSomatic Marker Hypothesis
SMHScotland Memorial Hospital (Laurinburg, NC)
SMHSouthern Maryland Hospital
SMHSciences du Mouvement Humain (French: Human Movement Sciences)
SMHSociété de Microélectronique et d'Horlogerie (French: Corporation for Microelectronics and Watchmaking; Switzerland)
SMHSwope Music Hall (West Chester Univeristy; Pennsylvania)
SMHStephanie McMahon-Helmsley (pro wrestling personality)
SMHSemiconductor Holder (stock symbol)
SMHSyndicat de La Médecine Homéopathique (French: Union of Homeopathic Medicine)
SMHSt. Marks Hospital
SMHSouth Melbourne Hellas (Melbourne, Australia football club)
SMHSaugeen-Maitland Hall (student residence at the University of Western Ontario)
SMHSt. Mark's High School (Delaware)
SMHSanitary Manhole
SMHSites et Monuments Historiques (French: Historic Sites and Monuments)
SMHStade Municipal Haytillon (French football team; est. 1983)
SMHSpherical Microwave Holography
SMHSerrurerie Métalerie Hornn (French locksmith company)
SMHGreat Britain Scotland Machin (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
SMHSoft Master Handover
SMHSociété de Matériel Hanséatique (French: Hanseatic League Equipment; France)
SMHSamuel Merritt Hospital
SMHSeconds, Minutes, and Hours Clock Dial (Integrated Chronological Applications System)
SMHSaison Musicale d'Hérouville (French: Music Season of Hérouville; France)
SMHSacrament Most Holy




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