Acronym | Definition |
SMF➣Simple Machines Forum (software) |
SMF➣Service Management Facility (Solaris operating system) |
SMF➣Single Mode Fiber |
SMF➣So Much Fun |
SMF➣Standard MIDI File |
SMF➣Single Mass Flywheel (cars) |
SMF➣Super Mario Flash (game) |
SMF➣Sunset Music Festival (Tampa, FL) |
SMF➣Société Mathématique de France (French: Mathematical Society of France) |
SMF➣Snell Memorial Foundation |
SMF➣Singapore Manufacturing Federation |
SMF➣Smart Fax |
SMF➣Simple Machines Forum |
SMF➣Standard Monitoring Facility |
SMF➣Simple Model Format |
SMF➣Service Management Facility |
SMF➣Secure Music File |
SMF➣System Management Facility |
SMF➣Sutter Medical Foundation (Sacramento, CA) |
SMF➣Student Managed Fund (various schools) |
SMF➣Scouts Musulmans de France (French: Muslim Scouts of France; est. 1990) |
SMF➣Sealed Maintenance Free (batteries) |
SMF➣Sony Music Foundation (Japan) |
SMF➣Service Management Function |
SMF➣Senior Management Functions (UK) |
SMF➣Savannah Music Festival |
SMF➣Service Management Framework |
SMF➣Société Météorologique de France (French: Meteorological Society of France) |
SMF➣Swift Museum Foundation (Athens, TN) |
SMF➣Site Master File (pharmaceutical industry) |
SMF➣Sexuality, Marriage and Family (various schools) |
SMF➣Sustainable Management Fund (New Zealand) |
SMF➣Scripture Memory Fellowship (Hannibal, MO) |
SMF➣Southwest Michigan First (economic development) |
SMF➣Swiss Mutual Fund (offshore investements; Dominica) |
SMF➣Shaking My Fist |
SMF➣Société Mycologique de France (French: Mycological Society of France) |
SMF➣Special Moment Frame (steel structures) |
SMF➣Svenska Musikerförbundet (Sweden) |
SMF➣Standard Message Format |
SMF➣System Management Function |
SMF➣Software Management Framework |
SMF➣Sacramento, CA, USA - Sacramento Metropolitan (Airport Code) |
SMF➣Screen Media Films (New York) |
SMF➣Sallie Mae Fund (Fishers, IN) |
SMF➣Standard Mammogram Form (format for storing mammogram images) |
SMF➣Satellite Manufacturing Facility (Orbital Sciences Corporation; Dulles, WA) |
SMF➣Small Bowel Follow-Through (radiology) |
SMF➣Synthetic Mineral Fibre |
SMF➣Sarasota Medieval Fair (Florida) |
SMF➣Santa Monica Freeway (California) |
SMF➣Spring Music Festival |
SMF➣Submucous Fibrosis |
SMF➣Self Managed superannuation Fund |
SMF➣Standardized Monitoring Framework |
SMF➣Software Maintenance Facility |
SMF➣Student Master File |
SMF➣Spatial Matched Filter |
SMF➣Solstice Music Festival (New York, New York) |
SMF➣Southern Museum of Flight |
SMF➣Secte des Magiciens Fous (French: Cult of the Mad Magicians; gaming club) |
SMF➣Sample Management Facility |
SMF➣Société Marcé Francophone (French: Marce Francophone Society; mental disorders study) |
SMF➣Sharp Manufacturing France (est. 1989) |
SMF➣Software MAC Address Filter (Cisco) |
SMF➣Securities Master File |
SMF➣Standard Monitoring Framework |
SMF➣Space Medical Facility |
SMF➣Sveriges Mynthandlares Förening (Nyköping, Sweden) |
SMF➣Site Medical Facility |
SMF➣Sanibel Music Festival |
SMF➣Superconducting Magnetic Facility |
SMF➣Standish Maximum Facility (Michigan Department of Corrections) |
SMF➣Section Material File |
SMF➣Sick Mother Figure (polite form) |
SMF➣Standard Model Feature (computer vision) |
SMF➣Scroller Map File (Solstice Engine) |
SMF➣System Message File |
SMF➣Sondeur Multi Faiscea (French: Multi Beam Echosounder) |
SMF➣Social Mobilisation Foundation |
SMF➣Space Management Flight |
SMF➣Supplier Maintenance Form |
SMF➣Solidarité Mondiale Contre La Faim (French: Solidarity Against World Hunger; est. 1982) |
SMF➣Seattle Music Festival (Seattle, WA) |
SMF➣Stockholm Metaphor Festival (linguistics) |
SMF➣Single-Mode Dispersion-unshifted Fiber |
SMF➣Software Measurement Framework |