Bailliart ophthalmodynamometer

Bail·li·art oph·thal·mo·dy·na·mom·e·ter

an instrument used to measure the blood pressure of the central retinal artery; of value in diagnosing occlusion of the proximal carotid artery.

Bail·li·art oph·thal·mo·dy·na·mom·e·ter

(bī-yē-ahr' of-thal'mō-dī-nă-mom'ĕ-tĕr) An instrument used to measure the blood pressure of the central retinal artery; of value in diagnosing occlusion of the proximal carotid artery.


Paul, French ophthalmologist, 1877-1969. Bailliart goniometerBailliart ophthalmodynamometer - an instrument used to measure the blood pressure of the central retinal artery.Bailliart tonometer