Acronym | Definition |
RBM➣Roll Back Malaria (global partnership to reduce malaria) |
RBM➣Results Based Management |
RBM➣Rare Books, Manuscripts and Cultural Heritage (journal) |
RBM➣Realtime Batch Monitor |
RBM➣Reference Benchmark |
RBM➣Remote Boot Manager |
RBM➣Radiology Benefit Management (various companies) |
RBM➣Reserva de Biosfera Maya (Spanish: Mayan Biosphere Reserve; Guatemala) |
RBM➣Reduced Basis Method |
RBM➣Reserve Bank of Malawi |
RBM➣Role-Based Management |
RBM➣Regional Business Manager |
RBM➣River Basin Model |
RBM➣Red-Breasted Merganser (bird) |
RBM➣Risk Based Maintenance |
RBM➣Retail Branch Manager (various businesses) |
RBM➣Reliability Based Maintenance |
RBM➣Restricted Boltzmann Machine (physics) |
RBM➣Recherche Biomédicale (French: Biomedical Research) |
RBM➣RNA-Binding Motif Protein |
RBM➣Resisting Bending Moment |
RBM➣Research Business Models Subcommittee (Committee on Science; US NSTC) |
RBM➣Reticular Basement Membrane |
RBM➣Residence Building Management (various locations) |
RBM➣Reproductive Bio Medicine (international journal) |
RBM➣Receive Broadcast Manager |
RBM➣Random Body Movement |
RBM➣Real Beam Map |
RBM➣Radiation Belt Monitor |
RBM➣Response Boat Medium |
RBM➣Rational Behavior Model |
RBM➣Rainbow Butt Monkeys (band) |
RBM➣Radiation Belt Mapper |
RBM➣Rail Bound Manganese (railway frog) |
RBM➣Rod Block Monitor (Nuclear Power) |
RBM➣Rigid Body Mode (mechanical engineering) |
RBM➣Radial Bay Module (Hubble Space Telescope) |
RBM➣Readiness Based Maintenance |
RBM➣Rigid Body Minimization |
RBM➣Remote Business Management, LLC |
RBM➣Robertson, Bailes, and McClelland LLP (est. 1967) |
RBM➣Remote Business Management Service (Kodak) |