RBGRoseburg (Amtrak station code; Roseburg, OR)
RBGRed Blue Gold
RBGRandom Bit Generator (algorithm)
RBGRoyal Botanical Gardens
RBGRevolutionary But Gangsta (Dead Prez album)
RBGRed Blue and Green (primary colors of light as perceived by humans; less common, usually seen as RGB)
RBGRed Black and Green
RBGRegalbediengerät (machine for moving pallets in an automatic warehouse)
RBGRuth Bader Ginsburg (US Supreme Court justice)
RBGRubber Band Gun
RBGRandom Blood Glucose
RBGRéseau des Boutiques de Gestion (French: Network of Management Shops)
RBGRock Bottom Golf (website)
RBGRhema Broadcasting Group (New Zealand)
RBGRiverboat Gamblers (Texas punk rock band)
RBGRedundant Building Grant (UK)
RBGReally Big Gun
RBGRather Be Giraffes (Brandeis University A Cappella Group)
RBGRunebranded Girdle (gaming)
RBGRefrigerated Baked Goods
RBGReally Bad Game
RBGRocket Boosted Glider
RBGRighteous Black Guerillas (band)