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DictionarySeePGDpreimplantation genetic diagnosis
preimplantation genetic diagnosis: see embryo screeningembryo screening, procedure (see genetic testing) in which a single cell is removed from an embryo two or three days after it has been conceived through in vitro fertilization and tested for genetic abnormalities. ..... Click the link for more information. .preimplantation genetic diagnosis
preimplantation genetic diagnosisIn assisted reproduction, the testing of a fertilized egg for heritable illnesses before the ovum is inserted into the female.See also: diagnosispreimplantation genetic diagnosis The use of genetic analysis in the course of vitro fertilization to ensure that a baby does not possess a known genetic defect of either parent. After analysis of the embryos formed, only those free of defect are implanted in the mother's womb. A new method, developed in 2006, involves taking a single cell from the IVF embryo, amplifying the entire genome to provide many copies, and then comparing the chromosome containing the known family mutation with those of other family members by standard DNA fingerprinting techniques.AcronymsSeepure gonadal dysgenesisThesaurusSeediagnosis |