ATSPAsymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem
ATSPAssociation of Telemedicine Service Providers
ATSPAmerican Tree Sparrow
ATSPAir Traffic Service Provider (FAA term for all disciplines of air traffic controllers)
ATSPAdvanced Technology Support Program (precompeted umbrella contracting vehicle)
ATSPAutomated Temperature Selection Procedure (rivers; California)
ATSPAirport Tenant Security Program (various companies)
ATSPADTRAN Technical Support Professional
ATSPAssociazione Treni Storici Puglia (Association of Historical Trains in Puglia; Taranto, Italy)
ATSPAsked to See Patient
ATSPAcademic Technology Support Personnel
ATSPAdvanced Tactical Supervisor's Panel
ATSPAssociation pour la Promotion des Soins Palliatifs (French: Association for Promotion of Palliative Care)
ATSPAgreed To Strategy & Plan (insurance providers and litigators)
ATSPApplications Telecommunications Service Provider (IPX)
ATSPAll Things Steve Perry (fan forum)