

 word element [Gr.], thymus; mind, soul, or emotions.


, thym-thymi-1. The thymus. 2. Mind, soul, emotions. 3. Wart, warty.


, thym- , thymi-1. Combining forms denoting the thymus. 2. Combining forms denoting mind, soul, emotions.
See also: -thymia [G. thymos, the mind or heart as the seat of strong feeling or passions.]
3. Combining forms denoting wart, warty. [G. thymion]

1 thymo-

, thym- [Gr. thymos, breath, soul, life, temper, anger] Prefixes meaning soul, spirit, emotion, mind

2 thymo-

, 2 thym- [Gr. thymon, thymos, thyme, warty growth] Prefixes meaning thymus.