Patrick test

Pat·rick test

(pat'rik), a test to determine the presence or absence of sacroiliac disease; with the patient supine, the hip and knee are flexed and the external malleolus is placed above the patella of the opposite leg; this can ordinarily be done without pain, but, on depressing the knee, pain is promptly elicited in sacroiliac disease.
See also: FABERE test.

Pat·rick test

(pat'rik test) A procedure to determine the presence or absence of sacroiliac disease; with the patient supine, the hip and knee are flexed and the external malleolus is placed above the patella of the opposite leg; this can ordinarily be done without pain, but, on depressing the knee, pain is promptly elicited in sacroiliac disease.


Hugh T., U.S. neurologist, 1860-1938. Patrick drillPatrick maneuverPatrick signPatrick test - determines the presence or absence of sacroiliac disease.Patrick trigger area