Patrick's Point State Park

Patrick's Point State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:25 miles north of Eureka on US 101.
Facilities:Family and group campsites, showers, restrooms, picnic areas, hiking trails (6 miles), visitor center, exhibits (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, wildlife viewing, agate hunting, guided tours, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Located in the heart of California's coast redwood country, the parkfeatures a reconstructed Yurok Indian Village and a native plantgarden, as well as Agate Beach, where visitors can hunt forsemi-precious stones at low tide. A dramatic shoreline ranging frombroad sandy beaches to sheer cliffs that rise high above the PacificOcean offers great opportunities to explore tide pools, search foragates and driftwood, or watch whales and sea lions.
Address:4150 Patrick's Point Dr
Trinidad, CA 95570

Size: 652 acres

See other parks in California.