venditioni exponas
venditioni exponas
a writ. Where it appears upon the return of a writ of FIERI FACIAS that the sheriff has seized goods of the judgment debtor that he has not sold or that he has been unable to sell for want of buyers, the judgment creditor may apply for a writ of venditioni exponas, directing the sheriff to ‘sell for the best price obtainable’.VENDITIONI EXPONAS, practice. That you expose to sale. The name of a writ of execution, directed to the sheriff, commanding him to sell goods or chattels, and in some states, lands, which he has taken in execution by virtue of a fieri facias, and which remain unsold.
2. Under this writ the sheriff is bound to sell the property in his hands, and he cannot return a second time, that he can get no buyers. Cowp. 406; and see 2 Saund. 47, 1. 2 Chit. Rep. 390; Com. Dig. Execution, C 8; Grab. Pr. 359; 8 Bouv. Inst. n. 3395.