

单词 preferred provider organization

preferred provider organization

pre·ferred provider organization

(prĭ-fûrd′)n. Abbr. PPO A health insurance plan in which members pay less for health care provided by professionals and hospitals affiliated with the plan.


preferred provider organization

pre·ferred pro·vid·er or·ga·ni·za·tion (PPO),

a health care delivery model that uses a panel of eligible physicians.

preferred provider organization

(prĭ-fûrd′)n. Abbr. PPO A health insurance plan in which members pay less for health care provided by professionals and hospitals affiliated with the plan.

preferred provider organization

Managed care A network of independent health care providers who provide medical services to a health plan's members or purchasers–eg, insurance companies, employers and other health care buyers at a discount; PPO members typically have autonomy over health care rather than needing to pass by a primary care (gatekeeper) physician like HMO members; use of in-network physicians is less expensive than using non-network providers. See Fee-for-service, HMO.

pre·fer·red pro·vid·er or·gan·i·za·tion

(PPO) (prĕ-fĕrd prŏ-vīdĕr ōrgă-nī-zāshŭn) A U.S. health care organization that negotiates set rates of reimbursement with participating health care providers for services to insured clients. This is a type of prospective payment or managed care system.
See also: health maintenance organization

pre·fer·red pro·vid·er or·gan·i·za·tion

(PPO) (prĕ-fĕrd prŏ-vīdĕr ōrgă-nī-zāshŭn) A U.S. health care organization that negotiates set rates of reimbursement with participating health care providers for services to insured clients. This is a type of prospective payment or managed care system.

Preferred Provider Organization

Preferred Provider Organization

A health insurance plan in which the policyholder receives a discount from the full price if he/she receives medical services from a participating doctor, hospital, or other medical organization. In many ways, a PPO operates like other insurance policies: the policyholder pays a premium each month and, in exchange, the insurance company pays for the cost of medical care, after a deductible and co-insurance. What distinguishes a PPO from other policies is the fact that a group of doctors or hospitals may negotiate a discounted rate with the insurance company. This provides the policyholder with an incentive to receive care from this group. However, medicals services provided by organizations outside the group are also covered. See also: Health maintenance organization.

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO).

A preferred provider organization (PPO) is a network of doctors and other healthcare providers that offers discounted care to members of a sponsoring organization, usually an employer or union.

You may also arrange private insurance coverage through a PPO.

If you're insured through a PPO, you make a copayment for each visit to a healthcare provider, though certain diagnostic tests may not require copayment.

You typically have the option to go to a doctor or other provider outside the network, but you pay a larger percentage of the cost, called coinsurance, than if you used a network doctor.





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