Route 66 State Park
Route 66 State Park
Location:2 miles east of Eureka in St. Louis County.
Facilities:Picnic area, 2 shelters, boat ramp, hiking trails, bicycle trails, equestrian trails, visitor center.
Activities:Fishing, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding.
Special Features:Park commemorates US Route 66, the historic highway that ran fromChicago to Los Angeles. A portion of the original Route 66, including ahistoric bridge across the Meramec River, lies within park boundaries.Bridgehead Inn, a restored 1935 roadhouse, serves as visitor center,with interpretive exhibits about the highway. The park sits on the siteof the former resort community of Times Beach, abandoned and demolishedafter dioxin contamination made it uninhabitable.
Address:97 N Outer Rd, Suite 1
Eureka, MO 63025
Size: 419 acres.
See other parks in Missouri.