SSFSouth San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)
SSFSunni Students' Federation (Kerala, India)
SSFSuper Street Fighter
SSFStudies in Short Fiction
SSFSapporo Snow Festival (Japan)
SSFSocial Science Faculty (various locations)
SSFState School Fund (Oregon Department of Education)
SSFSasakawa Sports Foundation (est. 1991; Japan)
SSFSmall Scale Farmer (various locations)
SSFServer Socket Factory
SSFSub Service Field
SSFSupported Solutions Forum
SSFSwitch Setting for Cpu Frequency
SSFStructured Subtitle Format
SSFSystem Security Function
SSFSecure Store and Forward
SSFSmall Form Factor
SSFSingle Stock Futures
SSFSikh Students Federation
SSFService Switching Function
SSFServer Support Forum
SSFState Security Force (various locations)
SSFSenior Staff Fellow (various businesses)
SSFSalter Street Films (Canada)
SSFSemaines Sociales de France (French: Social Weeks of France)
SSFSvenska Simförbundet (Swedish Swimming Association)
SSFSite-Specific Factor (oncology)
SSFSociety of St. Francis (religious order)
SSFSvalbard Science Forum (Norway)
SSFSpéléo Secours Français (French: French Caving Rescue)
SSFSpreadsheet File
SSFSpace Station Freedom
SSFSpecial Service Force
SSFSolo and Small Firms (bar associations)
SSFScalable Simulation Framework
SSFStepping Stone Foundation (assistance for low-income families; La Grande, OR)
SSFSpecial Security Force (Bangladesh)
SSFSlow Sand Filter
SSFSociety of St. Francis (Anglican Church Religious Order of Franciscans)
SSFShale Smear Factor (geology)
SSFSingle Stock Fund
SSFSeybold San Francisco (trade show; desktop publishing; San Francisco, CA)
SSFSjogren's Syndrome Foundation
SSFSuper Smash Flash (online game)
SSFSecouristes Sans Frontières (French: Rescuers without Borders)
SSFSécurité Sans Frontières (French: Security without Borders)
SSFSoftware Support Facility
SSFSemi-Solid Forming
SSFStay Strong Foundation (est. 2001; New York)
SSFSingle-Seated Fighter
SSFSchool Standards and Framework (UK)
SSFSport Sans Frontières (French: Sport Without Borders)
SSFSocial Source Foundation
SSFSingular Shunt Forward
SSFSociety for the Study of Fertility
SSFSingapore Sailing Federation
SSFSub-Service Field
SSFSemaines des Sciences Forestières (French: Forest Sciences Weeks; Canada)
SSFSingle-Satellite Footprint
SSFSaybolt Seconds Furol (Viscosity)
SSFService Storage Facility
SSFState Superannuation Fund (Australia)
SSFServer Signal Fail (Tellabs)
SSFSystem Support Facility
SSFSurf Sans Frontières (French: Surf without Borders)
SSFService and Supply Fund (US DHHS)
SSFSMS Spam Filtering
SSFSanté Sans Frontières (French: Health without Borders)
SSFScottish Software Federation
SSFSingapore Silat Federation
SSFSolidarité Sans Frontière (French: Solidarity without Borders)
SSFSomething Smells Funny
SSFS-Band Shuttle Forward
SSFSoftware Support Function
SSFSACCS Support Force
SSFShort Stature Foundation
SSFSynchronous Scanning Fluorescence
SSFSecure Seniors Fund
SSFSpace Simulation Facility (NASA)
SSFSociété Succulentophile Francilienne (French cactus organization)
SSFStatisticiens sans Frontières (French: Statisticians without Borders)
SSFSpecial Security File
SSFSTVL Strike-Fighter
SSFSeismograph Service France
SSFSub-Strategic Forces
SSFSéniors Sourds de France (French: Deaf Seniors of France)
SSFSoftware Stays Forever
SSFShear Shape Factor
SSFSuper Smash Football (Mario game)
SSFStopping-Set Free
SSFSprint Success Factor
SSFShip's Service Force (US Navy)