Ravello Music Festival

Ravello Music Festival

Mid-JulyWhen German composer Richard Wagner (1813-1883) visited the famous Villa Rufolo in 1880 in Ravello, Italy, he was so impressed by its beauty that he used it as the setting for Parsifal, his final opera. Fifty years after his death, the residents of Ravello held a commemorative concert at the Villa, and 20 years later, in 1953, another commemorative concert of Wagnerian music was given. Since then the concerts have been held annually. They last about a week and focus entirely on music composed by Wagner, by composers who influenced (or were influenced by) him, and by composers with whom he had some connection. Most take place in the gardens of the 13th-century Villa Rufolo, the church of Santa Maria Gradillo, and the park, with its view of the Bay of Naples.
See also Bayreuth Festival and Pacific Northwest Festival
Ravello Concert Society
Via Trinita, 3
Ravello, Salerno 84010 Italy
39-89-858-149; fax: 39-89-8582-49
MusFestEurBrit-1980, p. 116