Patent Fee
Patent Fee
a sum collected by state agencies when a patent is issued.
In the USSR, in accordance with the Statute on Discoveries, Inventions, and Efficiency Proposals of Aug. 21, 1973, fees are collected upon submission of a patent application or an appeal of the decision of an expert examination and upon the issue or transfer of a patent. In addition, annual fees are collected throughout the effective period of the patent (15 years). Failure to pay the patent fee within the set period precludes consideration by experts of a patent application Nonpayment of fees on existing patents leads to their being declared invalid. The law provides for a six-month grace period for payment of the patent fee.
No patent fee is collected for issuing a diploma attesting to a scientific discovery, an author’s certificate of invention, or a certificate for an innovation proposal.
All foreign countries also collect patent fees. In the United States and Canada, however, the fee is collected only when the patent is issued; there are no annual fees.