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smar·ty-pants (smär′tē-pănts′)pl.n. (used with a sing. verb) Informal A smart aleck.smarty-pants (ˈsmɑːtɪˌpænts) or smarty-bootsn (functioning as singular) informal a would-be clever personsmart′ al`eck (or al`ec) (ˈæl ɪk) n. Informal. an obnoxiously conceited and impertinent person. [1860–65, Amer.; generic use of Aleck, nickname for Alexander] smart′-al`eck•y, smart′-al`eck, adj. Thesaurussmarty-pantsnounInformal. One who is obnoxiously self-assertive and arrogant:malapert, witling.Informal: know-it-all, saucebox, smart aleck, smarty, wisenheimer.Slang: wiseacre, wisecracker, wise guy.smarty-pants
smarty pants1. One who obnoxiously and frequently attempts to assert perceived superiority in intelligence; a know-it-all. Don't be such a smarty pants. You don't know everything.2. One who makes jokes and uses sarcasm in an attempt to seem witty, but instead is deemed annoying; a smart aleck. OK, smarty pants, are you going to help me, or just stand there mocking me all night?See also: pant, smartysmarty-pants n. a cocky person; a smart aleck. Look, smarty-pants, let’s cut the clowning around. smarty-pants
Synonyms for smarty-pantsnoun one who is obnoxiously self-assertive and arrogantSynonyms- malapert
- witling
- know-it-all
- saucebox
- smart aleck
- smarty
- wisenheimer
- wiseacre
- wisecracker
- wise guy