Succulent Feed
Succulent Feed
a plant feed with a high content of water (more than 70 percent) in a bound state. Succulent feeds include root crops, tubers, melons, the tops of root crops and tubers, for age grasses, and ensilage. The total nutritional value of 1 kg of succulent feed ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 of a feed unit. Succulent feeds contain vitamin C, the B-complex vitamins, and, sometimes, carotene. The dry matter is rich in easily digested carbohy drates (starch and sugar) and poor in protein (with the exception of leguminous grasses). All farm animals may be fed succulent feeds; the feeds increase milk productivity. Succulent feeds are usually fed in raw form without any special preparation. The most rational use of succulent feeds during the summer is achieved by organizing a greens conveyer (seeGREENS CONVEYER).