Voronoi, Georgii

Voronoi, Georgii Feodos’evich


Born Apr. 16 (28), 1868, in the village of Zhuravka, now in Chernigov Oblast; died Nov. 7 (20), 1908, in Warsaw. Russian mathematician. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1907).

Upon graduating from the University of St. Petersburg in 1889, Voronoi remained to be trained for the rank of professor. In 1894 he defended his master’s dissertation, “On Whole Algebraic Numbers Dependent on the Root of an Irreducible Equation of the Third Degree,” and he was appointed a professor at the University of Warsaw. In 1897, Voronoi defended his doctoral dissertation, “On a Certain Generalization of an Algorithm of Continued Fractions.” Important discoveries were made by Voronoi in the geometry of polyhedrons and the geometry of numbers. He set forth particularly important results in this field in the articles “Properties of Positive Definite Perfect Quadratic Forms” (1907) and “Studies of Primitive Parallelohedrons” (1908-09), which were closely connected with the geometric research of E. S. Fedorov. Voronoi’s work “On a Certain Problem in the Theory of Asymptotic Functions” (1903) stimulated the development of the modern, analytic theory of numbers. His studies were continued by I. M. Vinogradov, B. A. Venkov, B. N. Delone, and others.


Sobr. soch, vols. 1-3. Kiev, 1952-53.


Delone, B. N. Peterburgskaia shkola teorii chisel. Leningrad-Moscow, 1947.
Braitsev, I. G. F. Voronoi (1868-1908). Warsaw, 1909. [Obituary.]
Sakovich, G. N. “Pamiati G. F. Voronogo.” Vesti AN SSSR, 1954, no. 2.