Voprosy Strakhovaniia
Voprosy Strakhovaniia
(Problems of Insurance), a Bolshevik weekly, a “legal” journal based on the “Insurance Section” of the newspaper Pravda.
Voprosy strakhovaniia was published in St. Petersburg from Oct. 26, 1913, through July 12, 1914, and from Feb. 20, 1915, through March 1918. In all, 80 issues were published. The editorial staff consisted of two parts, Russian and foreign, and was directed by V. I. Lenin. During World War I it was the only legal Bolshevik publication in Petrograd. The journal was published under the direction of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (Bolshevik); it waged a struggle for the development of the insurance movement and for hospital funds. Participating on the journal were V. I. Lenin, A. N. Vinokurov, V. V. Kuibyshev, N. A. Skrypnik, P. I. Stuchka, N. M. Shvernik, and the Bolshevik deputies to the fourth State Duma. Also collaborating actively were those in charge of the hospital funds as well as rank-and-file workers. Voprosy strakhovaniia printed articles devoted to problems of the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat, correspondence, and letters concerning the workers’ funds. It also discussed problems of insurance abroad. The journal had a circulation ranging from 3,000 to 5,000.