Voprosy Istorii

Voprosy Istorii


(Problems of History), a monthly scholarly journal. Organ of the Division of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR. Published in Moscow.

Voprosy istorii was founded in January 1926 under the title Istorik-marksist. In 1941 it merged with Istoricheskii zhurnal, and since 1945 it has been published under its present title. Among the editors in chief of Voprosy istorii have been V. P. Volgin (1945-48), A. D. Udal’tsov (1949-50), P. N. Tret’iakov (1950-53), A. M. Pankratova (1953-57), and S. F. Naida (1958-60). V. G. Trukhanovskii has held the position since 1960. The journal prints articles on problems of Russian and world history, the theory of the historical process, progressive historiography, and criticism of bourgeois historiography. The basic sections of Voprosy istorii are 4’Articles,” “Publications,” “Memoirs,” “Documentary Sketches,” “Historical Scholarship in the USSR,” “Historical Scholarship Abroad,” and “Facts, Events, and People.” In 1971 its circulation was 32,000.