Voorhees State Park

Voorhees State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Jersey
Location:2 miles north of High Bridge off County Road 513 in northern Hunterdon County.
Facilities:47 tent and trailer campsites, 2 group campsites, modern toilets,showers, picnic areas, picnic shelters, group picnic facilities,playground, multi-use trails, fitness trail (é), scenic overlook, observatory.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, bicycling, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, sledding, astronomy programs (seasonal).
Special Features:From 1933-1941 Park was a camp for Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)work crews, who planted trees, constructed shelters and picnic sites,and developed trails. Park's features include the New JerseyAstronomical Association's observatory, which has a 26-inch Newtonianreflector telescope that is one of the largest privately ownedtelescopes in New Jersey. For information about skywatching programs,call (908) 638-8500.
Address:251 County Rd 513
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826

Web: www.njparksandforests.org/parks/voorhees.html
Size: 1,036 acres.

See other parks in New Jersey.