V0029100 (văr′ĭ-sĕl′ə)varicella
or chick′en pox`,
(văr′ĭ-sĕl′ə)Noun | 1. | ![]() |
单词 | varicella | |||
释义 | varicellavar·i·cel·laV0029100 (văr′ĭ-sĕl′ə)varicella(ˌværɪˈsɛlə)chick′en•pox`or chick′en pox`,n. var·i·cel·la(văr′ĭ-sĕl′ə)
varicellavaricella:see chickenpoxchickenpoxor varicella , infectious disease usually occurring in childhood. It is caused by the same herpesvirus, varicella-zoster, that produces shingles; the virus can hide in the nerves after a chickenpox infection has passed and cause shingles later in life (see ..... Click the link for more information. . varicella[‚var·ə′sel·ə]varicellachickenpox[chik´en-poks]The vesicles do not appear all at once, but in crops, the number of crops depending on the severity of the case. Usually the eruptions are concentrated on the back and chest, with only a few appearing on the arms, legs, and face, but in severe cases they may cover almost all of the body. ![]() Most cases of chickenpox are mild and require no special treatment except rest in bed and forcing fluids during the fever stage. For severe itching, emollient baths, calamine lotion, or other applications offer some relief. Since scratching the scabs may result in permanent scars and opens the way for other infections, the child's fingernails should be cut short and the hands washed often. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends airborne and contact isolation. Other recommendations include after-exposure advisories. globulin" >Varicella-zoster immune globulin (VZIG) should be used when appropriate, along with discharge of susceptible patients if possible. Exposed susceptible patients should be placed on airborne precautions beginning 10 days after exposure and continuing until 21 days after the last exposure (up to 28 days if VZIG has been given). Susceptible persons should not enter the room of patients on precautions if other immune caregivers are available. (See Atlas 2, part M.) var·i·cel·la(var'i-sel'ă),See also: herpes zoster. varicella(văr′ĭ-sĕl′ə)Complications Otitis, pneumonia, 2º bacterial rashes and infections, encephalitis—5–15% mortality, 15% with permanent neurologic sequelae— ataxia, palsies, Reye syndrome, a potentially fatal complication, viral pneumonia—1:400 require hospitalization—thrombocytopenia, purpura fulminans, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, myositis; after resolution of clinical disease, HHV-3 becomes latent, integrating its DNA into the dorsal root ganglion cells Management Acyclovir may shorten duration of disease varicellaChickenpox, see there.var·i·cel·la(var'i-sel'ă)Synonym(s): chickenpox. varicella(var?i-sel'a) [L., a tiny spot]![]() SymptomsAfter an incubation period of 2 to 3 weeks (usually 13 to 17 days), patients develop fever, malaise, anorexia, and lymphadenopathy, followed by the appearance of an extremely pruritic (itchy) rash that starts flat and, over time, becomes a small blister on a red base, and then eventually forms crusted scabs. All three stages of the rash may be present on the body at one time. Varicella may be transmitted to others until all lesions are crusted over. Occasionally, for example, when it occurs in adults or immunosuppressed children, chickenpox is complicated by superimposed bacterial pneumonia, encephalitis, or thrombocytopenia. Immunization with varicella vaccine provided during infancy is designed to prevent these complications. EtiologyChickenpox may strike individuals of any age who have not been previously been exposed to the virus. Epidemics are most frequent in winter and spring in temperate climates. Differential DiagnosisImpetigo, dermatitis herpetiformis, herpes zoster, and furunculosis may occasionally need to be distinguished from varicella, although usually the difference is obvious. ComplicationsSecondary infections may occur, caused by scratching, which may result in abscess formation; at times, development of erysipelas or even septicemia may result. Occasionally, lesions in the vicinity of the larynx may cause edema of the glottis and threaten the life of the patient. Encephalitis is a rare complication. Varicella may be fatal in children with leukemia or children who are taking adrenocorticosteroids. PreventionAdministration of varicella-zoster immune globulin (VZIg) within 72 hr of exposure will prevent clinical varicella in susceptible, healthy children. The following conditions should alert one to the possible need for use of VZIg: immunocompromised children; newborns of mothers who develop varicella in the period 5 days before to 48 hr after delivery; postnatal exposure of newborns (esp. those who are premature) to varicella; healthy adults who are susceptible to varicella and who have been exposed; pregnant women who have no history of having had varicella and who have had significant exposure. The use of VZIg in pregnant women will not prevent fetal infection or congenital varicella syndrome. Live attenuated vaccine is now available for general use. CAUTION!Because severe illness and death have resulted from varicella in children being treated with corticosteroids, these children should avoid exposure to varicella.TreatmentOtherwise healthy affected children are treated with diphenhydramine or hydroxyzine to reduce itch and acetaminophen to reduce fever. Children at increased risk for complications and immunosuppressed adults are given varicella-zoster immune globulin as prophylaxis after exposure. If varicella infection develops in immunosuppressed persons or pregnant women in the third trimester, intravenous acyclovir is administered. Immunization with varicella vaccination is recommended for those children who have not had chickenpox and have not previously received the immunization. varicella gangrenosavaricellaChickenpo: a usually trivial infectious disease of childhood caused by the varicella-zoster virus which also causes SHINGLES in adults. There is a rash of tiny, flat, red spots which quickly become small blisters (vesicles), turn milky, dry to crusts and then scab off. Varicella in immunocompromised people can be serious, with as many as 1000 lesions, secondary infection, and severe general upset. It may occasionally be fatal in such cases. Varicella can be prevented by vaccination.Varicellavar·i·cel·la(var'i-sel'ă)Synonym(s): chickenpox. Patient discussion about varicellaQ. How contagious is chicken pox? I just found out that a kid in my son's preschool has chicken pox. What are the chances my son got it too? He hasn't been vaccinated against it. He is 3 years old. Q. Is chicken pox dangerous to my fetus? I am pregnant and have never had chicken pox before. My daughter is 2 years old and has not had chicken pox before and hasn't been vaccinated against it either. If she does catch chicken pox can this be dangerous to me or the fetus? varicella
Synonyms for varicella
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