


followers of the ideas of Babeuf. After the execution of Babeuf in 1797, the Babouvists continued their activities in cooperation with the left-wing Jacobins. The repressions of the Napoleonic regime dealt a heavy blow to the Babouvists. The publication of Conspiracy for Equality by F. Buonarroti in 1828 and his return from exile to Paris after the July Revolution of 1830 contributed to a revival of Babouvism and the dissemination of Babeuf’s ideas by secret republican societies in France and Belgium in the 1830’s and 1840’s. Babouvism influenced the world views and political activities of T. Dezamy and J. Pillot, representatives of neo-Babouvism in the revolutionary communist movement. By the late 1840’s, with the spread of the ideas of L. A. Blanqui, who took over some concepts from Babeuf and Buonarroti, Babouvism disappeared as a separate trend.


Volgin, V. P. Frantsuzskii utopicheskiikommunizm. Moscow, 1960.
Frantsuzskii ezhegodnik, I960. Moscow, 1961. Pages 154–209.