

单词 pat



abbr. point after touchdown

pat 1

P0105800 (păt)v. pat·ted, pat·ting, pats v.tr.1. a. To tap gently with the open hand or with something flat.b. To stroke lightly as a gesture of affection. See Synonyms at caress.2. To mold by tapping gently with the hands or a flat implement.v.intr.1. To run or walk with a tapping sound.2. To hit something or against something gently or lightly.n.1. A light gentle stroke or tap.2. The sound made by a light stroke or tap or by light footsteps.3. A small mass shaped by or as if by patting: a pat of butter.Idiom: pat on the back An expression or gesture of praise or approval: Let's give them a pat on the back for doing a good job.
[From Middle English, a blow, perhaps of imitative origin.]

pat 2

P0105800 (păt)adj.1. a. Suitable; fitting: "Suggestions about her reasons for going are made indirectly, lightly and ambiguously; no pat explanation is offered" (Janna Malamud Smith).b. Fitting or satisfactory in a superficial or contrived way, especially in being trite or glib: "The dialogue is sometimes stilted and the ending too pat" (Leonard Malkin).2. Games Being a poker hand that is strong enough to make drawing cards unlikely to improve it.adv. Informal Readily or perfectly as a result of memorization or familiarization: They've got the system down pat. He has the lesson pat.
[From pat.]
pat′ly adv.pat′ness n.


(pæt) vb, pats, patting or patted1. to hit (something) lightly with the palm of the hand or some other flat surface: to pat a ball. 2. to slap (a person or animal) gently, esp on the back, as an expression of affection, congratulation, etc3. (tr) to shape, smooth, etc, with a flat instrument or the palm4. (intr) to walk or run with light footsteps5. pat someone on the back informal to congratulate or encourage someonen6. a light blow with something flat7. a gentle slap8. a small mass of something: a pat of butter. 9. the sound made by a light stroke or light footsteps10. pat on the back informal a gesture or word indicating approval or encouragement[C14: perhaps imitative]


(pæt) adv1. Also: off pat exactly or fluently memorized or mastered: he recited it pat. 2. opportunely or aptly3. stand pat a. chiefly US and Canadian to refuse to abandon a belief, decision, etcb. (in poker, etc) to play without adding new cards to the hand dealtadj4. exactly right for the occasion; apt: a pat reply. 5. too exactly fitting; glib: a pat answer to a difficult problem. 6. (Card Games) exactly right: a pat hand in poker. [C17: perhaps adverbial use ("with a light stroke") of pat1]


(pæt) non one's pat informal Austral alone; on one's own[C20: rhyming slang, from Pat Malone]


(pæt) n (Peoples) an informal name for an Irishman[from Patrick]



v. pat•ted, pat•ting,
n. v.t. 1. to strike lightly, as with the hand or a small object. 2. to stroke or tap gently with the palm or fingers as an expression of affection, approbation, etc. v.i. 3. to strike lightly or gently. 4. to walk or run with light footsteps. n. 5. a light stroke, tap, or blow, as with the hand. 6. the sound of a light stroke or of light footsteps. 7. a small piece, usu. flat and square, formed by patting, cutting, etc.: a pat of butter. Idioms: pat on the back, praise, congratulations, or encouragement. [1375–1425; late Middle English, blow, stroke]



adj. 1. exactly to the point or purpose; apt; opportune. 2. excessively glib; unconvincingly facile: pat answers. 3. learned, known, or mastered perfectly or exactly: to have something pat. adv. 4. exactly or perfectly. 5. aptly; opportunely. Idioms: stand pat, a. to cling firmly to one's decision, policy, or beliefs. b. (in draw poker) to play a hand as dealt, without replacing any cards. [1570–80; orig. adverbial use of pat1, as in obsolete to hit pat to strike accurately] pat′ness, n.


1. patent. 2. patented.


 a small mass of soft substance, formed or shaped by patting.Examples: pat of butter, 1754; of water, 1888.


Past participle: patted
Gerund: patting
I pat
you pat
he/she/it pats
we pat
you pat
they pat
I patted
you patted
he/she/it patted
we patted
you patted
they patted
Present Continuous
I am patting
you are patting
he/she/it is patting
we are patting
you are patting
they are patting
Present Perfect
I have patted
you have patted
he/she/it has patted
we have patted
you have patted
they have patted
Past Continuous
I was patting
you were patting
he/she/it was patting
we were patting
you were patting
they were patting
Past Perfect
I had patted
you had patted
he/she/it had patted
we had patted
you had patted
they had patted
I will pat
you will pat
he/she/it will pat
we will pat
you will pat
they will pat
Future Perfect
I will have patted
you will have patted
he/she/it will have patted
we will have patted
you will have patted
they will have patted
Future Continuous
I will be patting
you will be patting
he/she/it will be patting
we will be patting
you will be patting
they will be patting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been patting
you have been patting
he/she/it has been patting
we have been patting
you have been patting
they have been patting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been patting
you will have been patting
he/she/it will have been patting
we will have been patting
you will have been patting
they will have been patting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been patting
you had been patting
he/she/it had been patting
we had been patting
you had been patting
they had been patting
I would pat
you would pat
he/she/it would pat
we would pat
you would pat
they would pat
Past Conditional
I would have patted
you would have patted
he/she/it would have patted
we would have patted
you would have patted
they would have patted
Noun1.pat - the sound made by a gentle blowpat - the sound made by a gentle blow tap, rapsound - the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"pitter-patter - a series of rapid tapping sounds; "she missed the pitter-patter of little feet around the house"
2.pat - a light touch or strokedab, taptouching, touch - the act of putting two things together with no space between them; "at his touch the room filled with lights"
Verb1.pat - pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chinchuckcaress, fondle - touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner; "He caressed her face"; "They fondled in the back seat of the taxi"
2.pat - hit lightly; "pat him on the shoulder"dabstrike - deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon; "The teacher struck the child"; "the opponent refused to strike"; "The boxer struck the attacker dead"
Adj.1.pat - having only superficial plausibility; "glib promises"; "a slick commercial"glib, slickplausible - apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful; "a plausible excuse"
2.pat - exactly suited to the occasion; "a pat reply"appropriate - suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc; "a book not appropriate for children"; "a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity"; "it seems that an apology is appropriate"
Adv.1.pat - completely or perfectly; "he has the lesson pat"; "had the system down pat"


1verb1. stroke, touch, tap, pet, slap, dab, caress, fondle She patted me on the knee.noun1. tap, stroke, slap, clap, dab, light blow He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.2. lump, cake, portion, dab, small piece a pat of butterpat someone on the back congratulate, praise, applaud, compliment, commend, sing the praises of, big up (slang, chiefly Caribbean) industry bigwigs patting each other on the backpat yourself on the back boast about yourself, congratulate yourself, blow your own trumpet, talk big (informal), brag about yourself, preen yourself, big yourself up (slang, chiefly Caribbean) Hollywood patting itself on the back in the annual Academy Awards ceremony


2adjective glib, easy, ready, smooth, automatic, slick, simplistic, facile There's no pat answer to your question.off pat perfectly, precisely, exactly, flawlessly, faultlessly He doesn't have the answer off pat.


verbTo touch or stroke affectionately:caress, cuddle, fondle, pet.


(pӕt) noun1. a light, gentle blow or touch, usually with the palm of the hand and showing affection. She gave the child a pat on the head. 輕輕的拍打 轻轻的拍打2. (of butter) a small piece; a lump. (黃油的)小塊 (黄油的)小块 verbpast tense, past participle ˈpatted to strike gently with the palm of the hand, usually as a sign of affection. He patted the horse's neck. 輕拍 轻拍 adverb (often off pat) memorized, prepared and ready to be said. He had the answer (off) pat. 適時地 适时地


  • a pat on the back
  • be on (one's) pat
  • be on (one's) Pat Malone
  • break (one's) arm patting (oneself) on the back
  • down pat
  • get (something) off pat
  • give (oneself or someone) a pat on the back
  • give somebody/yourself a pat on the back
  • have (something) off pat
  • have calluses from patting (one's) own back
  • have calluses from patting own back
  • have something off pat
  • have/get (something) down pat
  • have/know/get something off pat
  • know (something) off pat
  • learn (something) down pat
  • learn (something) off pat
  • off pat
  • on (one's) pat
  • on (one's) Pat Malone
  • on your pat
  • pat (one) on the back
  • pat (someone or something) on (something or some place)
  • pat answer
  • pat down
  • pat on
  • pat on the back
  • pat someone on the back
  • stand pat
  • stand pat (on something)
  • stand pat on something



(language)Personalized Array Translator.


(networking)Port Address Translation.


In the lumber industry, abbr. for pattern.


As applied to a specimen of neat cement paste, a sample about 3 in. (7.6 cm) in diameter and ½ in. (1.3 cm) in thickness at the center and tapering to a thin edge; applied on a flat glass plate to determine the setting time.


(Port Address Translation) The most common way network address translation is implemented (see NAT). Also called "NAT overloading," "network address port translation" (NAPT) and "NAT/PAT."

PAT assigns a different TCP port number to each client session with a server on the Internet. When responses come back from that server, the source port number becomes the destination port number and determines which user to route the packets to. It also validates that the incoming packets were indeed requested. See NAT traversal, UDP hole punching, private IP address, RSIP and proxy server.

By using a different port number for each user, the NAT device knows which client PC to route the incoming packets to. See TCP/IP port.



1. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. See Supraventricular tachycardia.2. Patient.3. Pre-admission testing, see there.4. Pregnancy at term.


(păt) Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. The contemporary, and more accurate, term is paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT).


PATProcess Action Team
PATParents As Teachers
PATPatch (File Name Extension)
PATProcess Analytical Technology (Federal Drug Administration)
PATProfit After Tax
PATPractices and Trends
PATPreferences and Trends
PATPort Address Translation (NAT)
PATPromotion and Tenure (various schools)
PATPicture and Text
PATPenn and Teller (entertainers)
PATPolymers for Advanced Technologies (publication; Wiley)
PATPlant A Tree
PATPupil Achievement Tracker (UK education software)
PATPhotoacoustic Tomography
PATProgram Analysis and Transformation (various organizations)
PATPointe-Aux-Trembles (Montreal District)
PATPhysical Agility Test (various organizations)
PATPediatric Assessment Triangle
PATPolygon Attribute Table
PATPreferred Activity Time (education)
PATPublic Affairs Television (Public Broadcasting Service; New York, NY)
PATPre-Apprenticeship Training (construction)
PATPesticide Applicator Training
PATPage Attribute Table
PATPoint Attribute Table
PATProgram Association Table
PATPort Address Translation
PATPerformance Acceleration Technology
PATPatch File
PATPeer Address Translation
PATPattern File
PATPhoton Acceleration Technology
PATPermanent Auto Team
PATProgram Association Table (MPEG-2)
PATPoint After Touchdown
PATPublic Administration Today (Australia)
PATPets As Therapy
PATParoxysmal Atrial Tachycardia
PATPeople and Animals Together (Wake County, NC)
PATPortable Appliance Test
PATPolicy Advisory Team (various organizations)
PATPre-Admission Testing (medicine)
PATPerformance Acceleration Technology (Intel)
PATProfessional Association of Teachers (UK)
PATPort Authority of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh Transit System)
PATPurpose, Audience and Text (writing)
PATProficiency Analytical Testing
PATPakistan Awami Tehrik
PATPerforming Arts Technology
PATPackaging and Transportation
PATPurge-And-Trap (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry)
PATPowder-Actuated Tool
PATPioneer Automotive Technologies, Inc. (Farmington Hills, MI)
PATPre-Authorized Transfer (various organizations)
PATPop-Up Archival Transmitting
PATPortland Association of Teachers (Oregon)
PATProfessional and Technical Staff
PATPlasma Arc Technology
PATProgram Aide Training
PATPartnerships in Assistive Technology
PATPublic Access Terminal (kiosk)
PATPassive Anti Theft (automotive)
PATPart Average Testing
PATPopulation, Affluence, and Technology
PATPerceptual Ability Test
PATProduction Acceptance Test(ing)
PATPlatform Administration Technology (Intel)
PATPerformance Assessment Team
PATPersonal Automated Transport
PATProgram for the Academically Talented
PATProduction Acceptance Testing
PATPatna, India - Patna (Airport Code)
PATPassenger Air Tariff (aviation)
PATPort Arthur Transit (Texas)
PATPetersburg Area Transit
PATProduct Acceptance Test
PATPersonal Applied Technology (Smart House, Disney Channel movie)
PATProgram Allocation Table
PATProject Action Team (Sprint)
PATPermit Assistance Team
PATPsychiatric Association of Thailand
PATProvincial Advisory Team (Afghanistan)
PATProcess Activation Table
PATPreliminary Acceptance Test
PATPerformance Appraisal Team
PATPerformance Analysis Team
PATPicture Arrangement Test (psychology)
PATPersonal Automated Transit
PATProblem Action Team
PATPlayer Activated Terminal (lottery industry)
PATProduct Analysis Team
PATProcess Analysis Technique
PATPacific Advanced Technology, Inc
PATPrecision Atomic Time
PATPlutonium Air Transportable
PATProgrammable Alarm Thresholds
PATPassive Angle Track
PATPer Accomplishment Time
PATPrecedence Access Threshold
PATPrinter Action Table
PATPort Assistance Team
PATPersonnel Accounting Team
PATProgram Activation Team
PATProgress Assessment Team
PATProvincial Achievment Test (Canada)
PATProject Acceptance Transfer
PATPilot Activated Test
PATPMOLANT Assistance Team
PATPerioperative Acute Thromboembolism Syndrome
PATPerpetual Accumulating Transport (electric vehicle)
PATPreliminary Acceptance Trial
PATPerpetual Accumulating Trust
PATPrototype Adaptation Toolkit
PATProduct Assurance and Test


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for pat

verb stroke


  • stroke
  • touch
  • tap
  • pet
  • slap
  • dab
  • caress
  • fondle

noun tap


  • tap
  • stroke
  • slap
  • clap
  • dab
  • light blow

noun lump


  • lump
  • cake
  • portion
  • dab
  • small piece

phrase pat someone on the back


  • congratulate
  • praise
  • applaud
  • compliment
  • commend
  • sing the praises of
  • big up

phrase pat yourself on the back


  • boast about yourself
  • congratulate yourself
  • blow your own trumpet
  • talk big
  • brag about yourself
  • preen yourself
  • big yourself up

adj glib


  • glib
  • easy
  • ready
  • smooth
  • automatic
  • slick
  • simplistic
  • facile

phrase off pat


  • perfectly
  • precisely
  • exactly
  • flawlessly
  • faultlessly

Synonyms for pat

verb to touch or stroke affectionately


  • caress
  • cuddle
  • fondle
  • pet

Synonyms for pat

noun the sound made by a gentle blow


  • tap
  • rap

Related Words

  • sound
  • pitter-patter

noun a light touch or stroke


  • dab
  • tap

Related Words

  • touching
  • touch

verb pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin


  • chuck

Related Words

  • caress
  • fondle

verb hit lightly


  • dab

Related Words

  • strike

adj having only superficial plausibility


  • glib
  • slick

Related Words

  • plausible

adj exactly suited to the occasion

Related Words

  • appropriate




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