Acronym | Definition |
TWA➣Trans World Airlines |
TWA➣Time Weighted Average |
TWA➣The World Academy (Elizabeth, NJ) |
TWA➣The White Album (The Beatles album) |
TWA➣T-Wave Alternans (marker of cardiac electrical instability) |
TWA➣Tibetan Women's Association (est. 1959) |
TWA➣The Word Alive (band) |
TWA➣Texas Wildlife Association |
TWA➣Task Work Area |
TWA➣Transaction Work Area |
TWA➣The Wine Advocate (consumer advice publication) |
TWA➣Texas Works Advisor |
TWA➣Tappers with Attitude |
TWA➣Total Water Available |
TWA➣Taxi Workers Alliance |
TWA➣Temporary Work Assignment |
TWA➣Three Word Abbreviation |
TWA➣Traveling Wave Amplifier |
TWA➣Transcontinental and Western Airlines |
TWA➣Two Way Alternate |
TWA➣Texas Wrestling Alliance |
TWA➣Teeny Weeny Afro (hair style) |
TWA➣Traveling with Angels (airline slogan) |
TWA➣Trouble Went Away |
TWA➣Trailing Wire Antenna |
TWA➣Third World Assassin |
TWA➣Transaction Work Area (CICS) |
TWA➣Tokyo Worldwide Agency (Japan) |
TWA➣Total Weighted Average (permissible exposure limit; Occupational Safety and Health Administration) |
TWA➣Third Wave Advertising |
TWA➣Texas Wrestling Association |
TWA➣Two-Way Alternating |
TWA➣Transfer Writing Assessment (test) |
TWA➣Think Before Reading; Think While Reading; Think After Reading |
TWA➣Teen Wrestling Association |
TWA➣Thin-Wire Antenna |
TWA➣Transborder Wildlife Association |
TWA➣Tail Wire Antenna |
TWA➣Three Word Acronym |
TWA➣Time-Weighted Authority |
TWA➣Tigrai Women's Association |
TWA➣Today Was Awful |
TWA➣Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator |
TWA➣Travelling Wave Analysis |