

单词 tw



the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Taiwan



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Taiwan (Province of China). This is the code used in international transactions to and from Taiwanese bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Taiwan. This is used as an international standard for shipping to Taiwan. Each Taiwanese subdivision has its own code with the prefix "TW." For example, the code for the Municipality of Taipei is ISO 3166-2:TW-TPE. It is important to note that because the People's Republic of China regards Taiwan as a province, Taiwan also has a separate ISO 3166-2 designation as a Chinese province.


TWTalk(ed) With
TWRepublic of China (Including Taiwan & Pescadores Island)
TWTomorrow's World (UK TV programme)
TWTotal War (gaming)
TWTotal Weight
TWTime Warner
TWToxic Waste
TWTilt Wheel
TWTiger Woods
TWTollywood (south Indian film industry)
TWTop of Wall (surveying)
TWTwickenham (postcode, United Kingdom)
TWTraffic Warden (UK)
TWTorchwood (British sci-fi series; Doctor Who spin-off)
TWTraveling Wave
TWThird World
TWTongue Weight (shipping)
TWTurbine Wheel
TWTwo Wheeler
TWTotally Wasted
TWTribal War (gaming community)
TWTeam Work
TWThird Wheel
TWThe What?
TWTwin Cities (ammunition headstamp)
TWTwaddle (unit of measure)
TWTe Weten (Dutch: to wit)
TWTotal Water Content
TWTrapped Wind
TWTransit Windsor (Canada)
TWTribalwar (online community)
TWTechnology Watch
TWTravel Weekly (publication)
TWTime Bandwidth
TWTransformer Windings
TWTrumans Water (band)
TWTile World (Chip's Challenge emulator)
TWTourism Whistler
TWTrainers Workshop
TWTulsa World (Tulsa, OK newspaper)
TWThird Watch (TV show)
TWTeraWatt (10^12 watts)
TWTrade Weighted
TWTokyo Weekender (Magazine)
TWTrench Wars (gaming website)
TWTrojan Wall (Age of Mythology game type)
TWTheatreWorks (theatrical equipment business)
TWTaiwanese Women
TWTare Weight
TWTactical Wank
TWTarget Weight (kidney dialysis)
TWTropical Warfare
TWThreat Warning
TWTest Wafer
TWTekWar (video game)
TWT'way Air Co., Ltd. (airline; South Korea)
TWThermoplastic Wire
TWTransmit Wavelength (Nortel)
TWTime Waived (criminal justice)
TWTheatreWorks (theatre company)
TWThermit Welding
TWTactical Warning
TWTelstra Wholesale (Australia)
TWTrigger Warning
TWThrow Weight
TWTrekWeb.com (Star Trek fan site)
TWTechnowizard (Rifts roleplaying game)
TWTeam Wound (gaming slang)
TWTholian Web (Star Trek)
TWTactical Weather
TWTest Witness
TWTackles Won (soccer)
TWThought Withdrawal
TWTransmitter Window
TWTrue Watt
TWTechnical Writer/Writing
TWTargeting and Weaponeering
TWTuring Word
TWTactical Warfare Ashore
TWThreat Evaluation/Weapon Assignment (Tartar Module)
TWTactical Warning Segment




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更新时间:2025/3/12 5:59:40