Apraksin, Fedor Matveevich
Apraksin, Fedor Matveevich
Born 1661; died Nov. 10, 1728, in Moscow. Russian general-admiral (1708), count (1709), and associate of Peter I. Brother of Tsaritsa Marfa, the wife of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich.
In 1682, Apraksin became a retainer of Peter I and took part in the formation of the poteshnyi troops (based on playmate groups trained by Peter as a boy). From 1693 to 1696 he was the Dvina voevoda (military commander) and the governor of Arkhangel’sk. In 1700 he became chief of the admiralty and the governor of Azov. In 1708 he successfully took command of a corps which operated in Ingermanlandiia and later in Finland. From 1712 to 1723 he governed Estliandiia, Ingermanlandiia, and Karelia. In 1714 he took command of a flotilla of galleys which distinguished itself at Hango. In 1718 he became president of the Admiralty Kollegiia (administrative department). During the Persian campaign in 1722 and 1723 he commanded the Caspian Flotilla, and from 1723 to 1726 he commanded the Baltic Fleet. He enjoyed the deep confidence of Peter I and proved to be a capable executor of Peter’s orders. In 1726 he became a member of the Supreme Privy Council and a supporter of A. D. Menshikov.