

单词 roughness


roughleft: rough jaderight: polished jade


R0340150 (rŭf)adj. rough·er, rough·est 1. a. Having a surface marked by irregularities, protuberances, or ridges; not smooth: planed the board so it was no longer rough.b. Coarse or shaggy to the touch: a rough scratchy blanket.2. a. Difficult to travel over or through: the rough terrain of the highlands.b. Characterized by violent motion; turbulent: rough waters.c. Difficult to endure or live through, especially because of harsh or inclement weather: a rough winter.d. Unpleasant or difficult: had a rough time during the exam.3. a. Characterized by or done with violence or forcefulness: a sport noted for rough play; a package that received rough handling.b. Boisterous, disorderly, or given to violence: ran with a rough crowd.c. Characterized by violence or crime: lives in a rough neighborhood.d. Lacking polish or finesse: rough manners.4. Harsh to the ear: a rough raspy sound.5. Being in a natural state: rough diamonds.6. Not perfected, completed, or fully detailed: a rough drawing; rough carpentry.n.1. The surface or part of something that is uneven or coarse: felt the rough of his chin.2. a. Rugged overgrown terrain.b. Sports The area of a golf hole in which the grass is left unmowed or is cut to a length longer than that of the fairway.3. a. A disorderly, unrefined, or unfinished state.b. A difficult or disagreeable aspect or condition of something: observed politics in the rough when working as an intern on Capitol Hill.4. A person given to violent or disorderly behavior; a rowdy.tr.v. roughed, rough·ing, roughs 1. a. To treat roughly or with physical violence: roughed up his opponent.b. Sports To treat (an opposing player) with unnecessary roughness, often in violation of the rules: was ejected from the game for roughing the passer.2. To prepare or indicate in an unfinished form: rough out a house plan.adv. In a rough manner; roughly: The engine began to run rough and faltered.Idiom: rough it To live without the usual comforts and conveniences: roughed it in a small hunting shack.
[Middle English, from Old English rūh.]
rough′er n.rough′ly adv.rough′ness n.
Noun1.roughness - a texture of a surface or edge that is not smooth but is irregular and unevenroughness - a texture of a surface or edge that is not smooth but is irregular and unevenraggednesstexture - the feel of a surface or a fabric; "the wall had a smooth texture"scaliness - the property of being scalynubbiness, tweediness, coarseness - looseness or roughness in texture (as of cloth)slub, burl, knot - soft lump or unevenness in a yarn; either an imperfection or created by designabrasiveness, harshness, scratchiness - the roughness of a substance that causes abrasionsgraininess, granularity, coarseness - the quality of being composed of relatively large particlesshagginess - roughness of nap produced by long woolly hairsbumpiness - the texture of a surface that has many bumpsbristliness, prickliness, spininess, thorniness - the quality of being covered with prickly thorns or spinessmoothness - a texture without roughness; smooth to the touch; "admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs"; "some artists prefer the smoothness of a board"
2.roughness - the quality of being unpleasant (harsh or rough or grating) to the sensesharshnessunpleasantness - the quality of giving displeasure; "the recent unpleasantness of the weather"gruffness, hoarseness, huskiness - a throaty harshness
3.roughness - an unpolished unrefined quality; "the crudeness of frontier dwellings depressed her"crudenessinelegance - the quality of lacking refinement and good taste
4.roughness - used of the sea during inclement or stormy weatherroughness - used of the sea during inclement or stormy weatherchoppiness, rough waterstorminess - the state of being stormy; "he dreaded the storminess of the North Atlantic in winter"
5.roughness - rowdy behaviorrowdiness, rowdyism, disorderlinessdisorder - a disturbance of the peace or of public order
6.roughness - the formation of small pits in a surface as a consequence of corrosionpitting, indentationcorroding, corrosion, erosion - erosion by chemical action
7.roughness - harsh or severe speech or behavior; "men associate the roughness of nonstandard working-class speech with masculinity"; "the roughness of her voice was a signal to keep quiet"intensification - action that makes something stronger or more extreme


nounLack of smoothness or regularity:asymmetry, crookedness, inequality, irregularity, jaggedness, unevenness.


(raf) adjective1. not smooth. Her skin felt rough. 粗糙的 粗糙的2. uneven. a rough path. 崎嶇的 崎岖的3. harsh; unpleasant. a rough voice; She's had a rough time since her husband died. 粗聲的,辛苦的 粗鲁的,艰难的 4. noisy and violent. rough behaviour. 粗野的 粗鲁刺耳的5. stormy. The sea was rough; rough weather. 狂暴的 狂暴的6. not complete or exact; approximate. a rough drawing; a rough idea/estimate. 約略的 粗略的 noun1. a violent bully. a gang of roughs. 暴徒 暴徒2. uneven or uncultivated ground on a golf course. I lost my ball in the rough. 高爾夫球場的起伏地面 高尔夫球场上的障碍区ˈroughly adverb 粗糙地,約略地 粗糙地ˈroughness noun 粗糙 粗糙度ˈroughage (-fidʒ) noun substances in food, eg bran or fibre, which help digestion. 食物中粗糠、纖維等助消化的物質 粗饲料,粗粮 ˈroughen verb to make or become rough. The sea roughened as the wind rose. (使)變粗糙 使...变粗糙rough diamond a person of fine character but rough manners. 舉止粗魯但本質好的人 举止粗鲁但本质好的人ˌrough-and-ˈready adjective1. not carefully made or finished, but good enough. a rough-and-ready meal. 粗製但品質不錯的 粗糙但尚能使用的2. (of people) friendly enough but without politeness etc. 粗魯但友善的(人) 鲁莽但尚顶用的(人) ˌrough-and-ˈtumble noun friendly fighting between children etc. 打打鬧鬧的 乱糟糟的rough it to live for a period of time without the comforts or conveniences of modern life. They roughed it in the jungles for two months. 簡陋過活 将就着过日子,因陋就简地生活 rough out to draw or explain roughly. I roughed out a diagram; He roughed out his plan. 約略畫出或解說 粗粗画出,打草稿




[′rəf·nəs] (fluid mechanics) Distance from peaks to valleys in pipe-wall irregularities; used to modify Reynolds number calculations for fluid flow through pipes.


  • noun

Synonyms for roughness

noun lack of smoothness or regularity


  • asymmetry
  • crookedness
  • inequality
  • irregularity
  • jaggedness
  • unevenness

Synonyms for roughness

noun a texture of a surface or edge that is not smooth but is irregular and uneven


  • raggedness

Related Words

  • texture
  • scaliness
  • nubbiness
  • tweediness
  • coarseness
  • slub
  • burl
  • knot
  • abrasiveness
  • harshness
  • scratchiness
  • graininess
  • granularity
  • shagginess
  • bumpiness
  • bristliness
  • prickliness
  • spininess
  • thorniness


  • smoothness

noun the quality of being unpleasant (harsh or rough or grating) to the senses


  • harshness

Related Words

  • unpleasantness
  • gruffness
  • hoarseness
  • huskiness

noun an unpolished unrefined quality


  • crudeness

Related Words

  • inelegance

noun used of the sea during inclement or stormy weather


  • choppiness
  • rough water

Related Words

  • storminess

noun rowdy behavior


  • rowdiness
  • rowdyism
  • disorderliness

Related Words

  • disorder

noun the formation of small pits in a surface as a consequence of corrosion


  • pitting
  • indentation

Related Words

  • corroding
  • corrosion
  • erosion

noun harsh or severe speech or behavior

Related Words

  • intensification




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