Password Authentication Protocol
Password Authentication Protocol
(networking)PAP applies a two-way handshaking procedure. After the linkis established the originator sends an id-password pair to theserver. If authentication succeeds the server sends back anacknowledgement; otherwise it either terminates the connectionor gives the originator another chance.
PAP is not a strong authentication method. Passwords are sentover the circuit "in the clear" and there is no protectionagainst playback or repeated "trial and error" attacks. Theoriginator is in total control of the frequency and timing ofthe attempts. Therefore, any server that can use a strongerauthentication method, such as CHAP, will offer to negotiatethat method prior to PAP. The use of PAP is appropriate,however, if a plaintext password must be available tosimulate a login at a remote host.
PAP is defined in RFC 1334.