Acronym | Definition |
SRV➣Stevie Ray Vaughan |
SRV➣Serving |
SRV➣Service Record (DNS) |
SRV➣San Ramon Valley |
SRV➣Safety Relief Valve |
SRV➣Server |
SRV➣Service |
SRV➣Styling Research Vehicle |
SRV➣Sports Recreation Vehicle |
SRV➣Safety Research Vehicle |
SRV➣Socialist Republic of Vietnam |
SRV➣Submarine Rescue Vehicle |
SRV➣Service Corporation (funeral company; stock symbol) |
SRV➣Simian Retrovirus |
SRV➣Social Role Valorization (Wolf Wolfensberger's The Principle of Normalization in Human Services) |
SRV➣The School in Rose Valley (Rose Valley, PA) |
SRV➣Smudge Resistant Vinyl (mouse pads) |
SRV➣Sport Recreation Vehicle |
SRV➣Semiregular Variable (astronomy) |
SRV➣Specialisti in Radiologia Veterinaria |
SRV➣Société des Régates de Vannes (French: Regatta Society of Vannes; Vannes, France) |
SRV➣Strasbourg Roller Vitesse (French: Strasbourg Speed Skating; Strasbourg, France) |
SRV➣Saddle River Valley |
SRV➣Special Reconnaissance Vehicle |
SRV➣Store Receipt Voucher |
SRV➣Storage and Retrieval Vehicles |
SRV➣Sequential Response Vector |
SRV➣Subject-Relation-Value |
SRV➣Saint-Rémy Vittel (French sports club) |
SRV➣Security and Reconnaissance Vehicles |
SRV➣System Requirement Verification (design phase) |
SRV➣Submersible Rescue Vehicle |
SRV➣Surveillance Restoral Vehicle |
SRV➣Sewer Relief Vent |
SRV➣Storage Ring Viewer (computing) |