释义 |
vesicospinal vesicospinal [ves″ĭ-ko-spi´nal] pertaining to the bladder and spine.ves·i·co·spi·nal (ves'i-kō-spī'năl), Relating to the urinary bladder and the spinal cord; denoting the neural mechanisms that control retention and evacuation of urine by the bladder, located in the second lumbar and second sacral segment, respectively, of the spinal cord.ves·i·co·spi·nal (ves'i-kō-spī'năl) Relating to the urinary bladder and the spinal cord; denoting the neural mechanisms that control retention and evacuation of urine by the bladder; located in the second lumbar and second sacral segment, respectively, of the spinal cord. |