vesica prostatica

pros·tat·ic u·tri·cle

[TA] a minute pouch in the prostate that opens on the summit of the seminal colliculus; it is analogous to the uterus and vagina in the female, being the remains of the fused caudal ends of the paramesonephric ducts. Synonym(s): utriculus prostaticus [TA], masculine uterus, Morgagni sinus (2) , sinus pocularis, vagina masculina, vesica prostatica, Weber organ

pros·tat·ic ut·ri·cle

(pros-tat'ik yū'tri-kĕl) [TA] A minute pouch in the prostate opening on the summit of the seminal colliculus, the analogue of the uterus and vagina in the female.
Synonym(s): utriculus prostaticus [TA] , masculine uterus, Morgagni sinus (2) , vesica prostatica.

vesica prostatica

A minute pouch in the prostatic urethra, remnant of the müllerian duct.See also: vesica