Tveritinov, Evgenii Pavlovich
Tveritinov, Evgenii Pavlovich
Born May 19 (31), 1850, in Kronstadt; died there May 16, 1920. Russian electrical engineer; major general (1905).
In 1876, Tveritinov completed a program of study in naval science at a school that one year later became the Naval Academy, and in 1877 he completed a training program in Kronstadt for officers specializing in the use of mines. In 1879 he became the first to equip warships with electric lights (Jablochkoff candles), and in 1883 he installed electrical illumination for the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great in the Moscow Kremlin. Tveritinov is credited with a number of inventions related to mines, among them the circular contact maker. He also developed a design for a storage cell and, after organizing production, introduced the cell into the navy.
Elektricheskoe osveshchenie: Kurs minnogo ofitserskogo klassa, fasc. 1. St. Petersburg, 1883.Elektricheskie akkumuliatory. St. Petersburg, 1888.