

单词 toss up

toss up

toss up

vb (adverb) 1. to spin (a coin) in the air in order to decide between alternatives by guessing which side will fall uppermost2. (Cookery) (tr) to prepare (food) quickly n 3. an instance of tossing up a coin 4. informal an even chance or risk; gamble


(tos) verb1. to throw into or through the air. She tossed the ball up into the air. 扔,擲 扔,掷 2. (often with about) to throw oneself restlessly from side to side. She tossed about all night, unable to sleep. 翻來覆去 翻来复去3. (of a ship) to be thrown about. The boat tossed wildly in the rough sea. 顛簸 颠簸4. to throw (a coin) into the air and decide a matter according to (a correct guess about) which side falls uppermost. They tossed a coin to decide which of them should go first. 擲硬幣看正反來決定某事 掷硬币看反正来决定某事 noun an act of tossing. toss up to toss a coin to decide a matter. We tossed up (to decide) whether to go to the play or the ballet. 擲硬幣決定某事 掷硬币决定某事win/lose the toss to guess rightly or wrongly which side of the coin will fall uppermost. He won the toss so he started the game. 擲硬幣猜輸贏 掷硬币猜输赢

toss up

a toss-up

A situation in which the outcome cannot be predicted or a decision between two things is very close. I don't know which team will win. Both have done so well this season that it's a real toss-up. Should I take the entry level position, or go back to school? It's really a toss-up in my mind.

toss something up

to throw something upward to a higher place or up into the air. He tossed the coin up, calling "heads" and hoping for the best. He tossed up the coin.See also: toss, up

toss up

v.1. To throw something into the air: The graduates tossed up their hats in celebration. The referee tossed the ball up for the tip-off.2. Sports To execute some type of throw or a throw with some outcome: The quarterback tossed up a Hail Mary pass. The basketball player tossed a three-pointer up.3. To flip a coin to decide an issue: Let's toss up to see who goes first.See also: toss, up

toss up

toss up

1. Statistically uncertain.2. As likely to occur as not.




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