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DictionarySeeverumontanumEncyclopediaSeecolliculusseminal colliculus
colliculus [kŏ-lik´u-lus] (pl. colli´culi) (L.) 1. a small elevation.2. either of the two pairs of rounded eminences in the midbrain concerned with visual and auditory reflexes.seminal colliculus a prominent portion of the male urethral crest, on which are the opening of the prostatic utricle and, on either side of it, the orifices of the ejaculatory ducts; called also verumontanum.sem·i·nal col·lic·u·lus [TA] an elevated portion of the urethral crest on which the two ejaculatory ducts and the prostatic utricle open. Synonym(s): colliculus seminalis [TA], colliculus urethralis, seminal hillock, verumontanumsem·i·nal col·lic·u·lus (sem'i-năl kŏ-lik'yū-lŭs) [TA] An elevated portion of the urethral crest on which open the two ejaculatory ducts and the prostatic utricle. ThesaurusSeeseminal |