Rastatt, Treaty of 1714
Rastatt, Treaty of (1714)
a treaty concluded on March 7 in Rastatt, southern Baden, between France and the Holy Roman Empire, which was ruled at that time by the Hapsburg emperor Charles VI. The treaty was one of the agreements that concluded the War of the Spanish Succession.
The principal terms of the treaty were analogous to the conditions laid down by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. The emperor was compelled to recognize the Bourbon Philip V’s right to the Spanish crown, but the Austrian monarchy gained a considerable portion of the Spanish possessions, including the Spanish Netherlands and northern Italy with Milan, as well as the Kingdom of Naples, part of Tuscany, and all of Sardinia. France had to return Breisach and the other cities that it had captured on the right bank of the Rhine and was forced to destroy its fortifications on the Rhine. The terms of the Treaty of Rastatt were ratified by a congress of German princes held in the city of Baden (the Treaty of Baden of 1714).