

单词 pass



P0095200 (păs)v. passed, pass·ing, pass·es v.intr.1. To move on or ahead; proceed: The train passed through fields of wheat.2. To extend; run: The river passes through our land.3. a. To move by or in front of something: The band passed and the crowd cheered.b. To move past another vehicle: The sports car passed on the right.4. To gain passage despite obstacles: pass through difficult years.5. To move past in time; elapse: The days passed quickly.6. a. To be transferred from one to another; circulate: The wine passed around the table.b. Sports To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate.7. To be communicated or exchanged between persons: Loud words passed in the corridor.8. To be transferred or conveyed to another by will or deed: The title passed to the older heir.9. To undergo transition from one condition, form, quality, or characteristic to another: Daylight passed into darkness.10. To come to an end: My anger suddenly passed. The headache finally passed.11. To cease to exist; die. Often used with on: The patient passed on during the night.12. To happen; take place: wanted to know what had passed at the meeting.13. a. To be allowed to happen without notice or challenge: Let their rude remarks pass.b. Sports & Games To decline one's turn to bid, draw, bet, compete, or play.c. To decline an offer: When we offered him dessert, he passed.14. To undergo an examination or a trial with favorable results.15. a. To serve as a barely acceptable substitute: The spare tire was nearly bald but would pass until we bought a new one.b. To be accepted as a member of a group by denying one's own ancestry or background.16. To be approved or adopted: The motion to adjourn passed.17. Law a. To make a decision: to pass upon a legal question.b. To convey property to an heir or heirs: to pass according to the terms of the will.18. Medicine To be discharged from a bodily part: The patient had a lot of pain when the kidney stone passed.19. Sports To thrust or lunge in fencing.v.tr.1. a. To go by without stopping; proceed beyond or leave behind: The bus passed a gas station.b. To go across; go through: We passed the border into Mexico.2. To allow to go by or elapse; spend: He passed his winter in Vermont.3. a. To go by without paying attention to; disregard or ignore: If you pass the new photographs in the collection, you'll miss some outstanding ones.b. To fail to pay (a dividend).4. To go beyond; surpass: The inheritance passed my wildest dreams.5. a. To undergo (a trial or examination) with favorable results: She passed every test.b. To cause or allow to go through a trial, test, or examination successfully: The instructor passed all the candidates.6. a. To cause to move: We passed our hands over the fabric.b. To cause to move into a certain position: pass a ribbon around a package.c. To cause to move as part of a process: pass liquid through a filter.d. To cause to go by: The sergeant passed his troops before the grandstand.e. To allow to cross a barrier: The border guard passed the tourists.f. Baseball To walk (a batter).g. To maneuver (the bull) by means of a pase in bullfighting.7. a. To cause to be transferred from one to another; circulate: They passed the news quickly.b. To hand over to someone else: Please pass the bread.c. Sports To transfer (a ball, for example) to a teammate, as by throwing.d. To cause to be accepted; circulate fraudulently: pass counterfeit money.e. Law To convey (property) to an heir or heirs: to pass an estate.8. Medicine To discharge (a waste product, for example) from a bodily part.9. Medicine To introduce (an instrument) into a bodily cavity.10. a. To approve; adopt: The legislature passed the bill.b. To be sanctioned, ratified, or approved by: The bill passed the House of Representatives.11. To pronounce; utter: pass judgment; pass sentence on an offender.n.1. The act of passing; passage.2. A way, such as a narrow gap between mountains, that affords passage around, over, or through a barrier.3. a. A permit, ticket, or authorization to come and go at will.b. A free ticket entitling one to transportation or admission.c. Written leave of absence from military duty.d. A passing grade, especially when graded using a pass-fail grading system.4. a. A sweep or run, as by an aircraft, over or toward an area or target.b. A single complete cycle of operations, as by a machine or computer program.5. A condition or situation, often critical in nature; a predicament: contract negotiations that had come to an emotional pass.6. A sexual invitation or overture: Was he making a pass at her?7. A motion of the hand or the waving of a wand: The magician made a pass over the hat.8. a. Sports A transfer of a ball or puck between teammates.b. Sports A lunge or thrust in fencing.c. Baseball A base on balls.9. Sports & Games A refusal to bid, draw, bet, compete, or play.10. Games A winning throw of the dice in craps.11. A pase in bullfighting.Phrasal Verbs: pass away1. To pass out of existence; end.2. To die. pass for To be accepted as or believed to be: You could pass for a teenager. The fake painting passed for an original. pass off1. To offer, sell, or put into circulation (an imitation) as genuine: pass off glass as a gemstone.2. To present (one's self) as other than what one is: tried to pass himself off as a banker. pass out To lose consciousness. pass over To leave out; disregard. pass up Informal To let go by; reject: pass up a chance for promotion; an opportunity too good to pass up.Idioms: bring to pass To cause to happen. come to pass To occur. pass muster To pass an examination or inspection; measure up to a given standard. pass (one's) lips1. To be eaten or drunk.2. To issue or be spoken: Rumors never passed her lips. pass the hat To take up a collection of money. pass the time of day To exchange greetings or engage in pleasantries. pass the torch To relinquish (responsibilities, for example) to another or others.
[Middle English passen, from Old French passer, from Vulgar Latin passāre, from Latin passus, step; see pace1.]
pass′er n.Usage Note: The past tense and past participle of pass is passed: They passed (or have passed) our home. Time had passed slowly. Past is the corresponding adjective (in centuries past), adverb (drove past), preposition (past midnight), and noun (lived in the past).


(pɑːs) vb1. to go onwards or move by or past (a person, thing, etc)2. to run, extend, or lead through, over, or across (a place): the route passes through the city. 3. to go through or cause to go through (an obstacle or barrier): to pass a needle through cloth. 4. to move or cause to move onwards or over: he passed his hand over her face. 5. (tr) to go beyond or exceed: this victory passes all expectation. 6. (Education) to gain or cause to gain an adequate or required mark, grade, or rating in (an examination, course, etc): the examiner passed them all. 7. (often foll by: away or by) to elapse or allow to elapse: we passed the time talking. 8. pass the time of day with someone to spend time amicably with someone, esp in chatting, with no particular purpose9. (intr) to take place or happen: what passed at the meeting?. 10. to speak or exchange or be spoken or exchanged: angry words passed between them. 11. to spread or cause to spread: we passed the news round the class. 12. to transfer or exchange or be transferred or exchanged: the bomb passed from hand to hand. 13. (intr) to undergo change or transition: to pass from joy to despair. 14. (Law) (when: tr, often foll by down) to transfer or be transferred by inheritance: the house passed to the younger son. 15. (Law) to agree to or sanction or to be agreed to or receive the sanction of a legislative body, person of authority, etc: the assembly passed 10 resolutions. 16. (Law) (tr) (of a legislative measure) to undergo (a procedural stage) and be agreed: the bill passed the committee stage. 17. (Law) (when: tr, often foll by on or upon) to pronounce or deliver (judgment, findings, etc): the court passed sentence. 18. to go or allow to go without comment or censure: the intended insult passed unnoticed. 19. (Card Games) (intr) to opt not to exercise a right, as by not answering a question or not making a bid or a play in card games20. (Physiology) physiol to discharge (urine, faeces, etc) from the body21. (Physiology) pass water to urinate22. (intr) to come to an end or disappear: his anger soon passed. 23. (intr; usually foll by for or as) to be likely to be mistaken for or accepted as (someone or something else): you could easily pass for your sister. 24. (Biology) (intr; foll by away, on, or over) a euphemism for die1125. (Banking & Finance) (tr) chiefly US to fail to declare (a dividend)26. (Law) (intr; usually foll by on or upon) chiefly US (of a court, jury, etc) to sit in judgment; adjudicate27. (Ball Games, other than specified) sport to hit, kick, or throw (the ball) to another player28. bring to pass archaic to cause to happen29. come to pass to happenn30. the act of passing31. (Physical Geography) a. a route through a range of mountains where the summit is lower or where there is a gap between peaksb. (capital as part of a name): the Simplon Pass. 32. (Physical Geography) a way through any difficult region33. (Law) a permit, licence, or authorization to do something without restriction: she has a pass to visit the museum on Sundays. 34. (Military) a. a document allowing entry to and exit from a military installationb. a document authorizing leave of absence35. (Education) a. the passing of a college or university examination to a satisfactory standard but not as high as honoursb. (as modifier): a pass degree. Compare honours236. (Aeronautics) a dive, sweep, or bombing or landing run by an aircraft37. (Theatre) a motion of the hand or of a wand as a prelude to or part of a conjuring trick38. informal an attempt, in words or action, to invite sexual intimacy (esp in the phrase make a pass at)39. a state of affairs or condition, esp a bad or difficult one (esp in the phrase a pretty pass)40. (Ball Games, other than specified) sport the transfer of a ball from one player to another41. (Fencing) fencing a thrust or lunge with a sword42. (Bridge) bridge the act of passing (making no bid)43. (Bullfighting) bullfighting a variant of pase44. archaic a witty sally or remarkinterj (Bridge) bridge a call indicating that a player has no bid to make[C13: from Old French passer to pass, surpass, from Latin passūs step, pace1]


(pæs, pɑs)

v.t. 1. to move past; go by: to pass a car on the road. 2. to let go without notice, action, etc.; disregard. 3. to cause or allow to go through a barrier, obstacle, etc.: The guard passed the visitor. 4. to go across or over (a stream, threshold, etc.); cross. 5. to endure or undergo. 6. to undergo or complete successfully: to pass an examination. 7. to cause or permit (a person) to complete an examination, course of study, etc., successfully. 8. to go beyond (a point, degree, stage, etc.); surpass. 9. to cause to go or move onward: to pass a rope through a hole. 10. to cause to go or march by: to pass troops in review. 11. to allow to elapse or slip by; spend: How did you pass the time? 12. to cause to circulate or spread: to pass rumors. 13. to cause to be accepted or received: to pass bad checks. 14. to convey from one person to another. 15. to discharge or void from the body. 16. to sanction or approve, esp. by vote: Congress passed the bill. 17. to obtain the approval or sanction of: The bill passed the Senate. 18. to express; pronounce: to pass judgment. 19. to omit the usual or regular payment of (a dividend). 20. to make a passing shot against (an opponent in tennis). 21. to transfer (a ball or puck) to a teammate. 22. (in feats of magic) to perform a pass on. 23. to pledge. v.i. 24. to go or move onward; proceed. 25. to come to or toward, then go beyond: to pass through town. 26. to go away; depart: The feeling will pass. 27. to elapse: The day passed quickly. 28. to come to an end: The crisis soon passed. 29. to die (often fol. by away or on). 30. to take place; happen; occur. 31. to go by or move past. 32. to go about or circulate. 33. to serve as a marginally acceptable substitute: The copy isn't very good but it will pass. 34. to live or be known as a member of a racial or ethnic group other than one's own, esp. to live and be known as a white person though having some black ancestry. 35. to be transferred: The crown passed to the king's nephew. 36. to be interchanged: Sharp words passed between them. 37. to undergo transition or conversion: to pass from a solid to a liquid state. 38. to go or get through a barrier, test, etc., successfully. 39. to go unheeded or unchallenged: I let the insult pass. 40. to express or pronounce an opinion or judgment: Will you pass on the authenticity of this drawing? 41. to be voided, as excrement or a kidney stone. 42. to obtain the approval or sanction of a legislative body, committee, or the like. 43. to make a pass, as in football or ice hockey. 44. Cards. a. to forgo one's opportunity to bid. b. to throw in one's hand. 45. (in fencing) to thrust. 46. pass for, to be accepted as; be considered: material that passed for silk. 47. pass off, a. to present, offer, or sell by fraud or deceit. b. to cause to be accepted under a false identity: He passed himself off as a doctor. c. to continue to completion; occur: The meeting passed off without incident. 48. pass out, to faint. 49. pass over, to disregard; ignore. 50. pass up, to refuse or neglect to take advantage of, as an opportunity. n. 51. an act of passing. 52. a narrow route across a low notch or depression in a mountain barrier. 53. a road, channel, or other means of passage, as through an obstructed region. 54. a permission or license to pass, go, come, or enter. 55. written permission given a soldier to be absent briefly from a station. 56. a free ticket or permit. 57. a particular stage or state of affairs: The situation came to a dreadful pass. 58. a single movement, effort, etc.: We made a pass at the enemy airfield. 59. a gesture, action, or remark that is intended to be sexually inviting: He made a pass at her. 60. a jab with the arm, esp. one that misses its mark. 61. the transfer of a ball or puck from one teammate to another. 62. walk (def. 30). 63. Cards. the act or statement of not bidding or raising another bid. 64. (in feats of magic) a. a passing of the hand over, along, or before anything. b. the transference or changing of objects by or as if by sleight of hand; a manipulation. 65. pase. 66. a thrust or lunge made in fencing. Idioms: 1. bring to pass, to cause to happen; bring about. 2. come to pass, to happen; occur. 3. pass the time of day, to chat. [1175–1225; Middle English < Old French passer < Vulgar Latin *passāre, derivative of Latin passus step, pace1]


1. passenger. 2. passim. 3. passive.


1. A short tactical run or dive by an aircraft at a target.
2. A single sweep through or within firing range of an enemy air formation.


The verb pass is used with several different meanings.

1. movement

If you pass someone or something, you go past them.

We passed the New Hotel.They stood aside to let him pass.

If you pass something to someone or pass someone something, you take it in your hand and give it to them.

She passed me her glass.I passed the picture to Lia so she could see it.
2. time

If you pass time in a particular way, you spend it doing something.

They passed the time until dinner talking and playing cards.See spend - pass
3. tests and exams

If you pass a test or exam, you are successful in it.

I passed my driving test on my first attempt.If you pass, you can go to college.See exam - examination

Be Careful!
Don't use 'pass' to say that someone has completed a test or exam, without mentioning the result. Say that they have taken it.

I'm taking my driving test next week.Where did she take her degree?


– pass1. 'spend'

If someone does something from the beginning to the end of a period of time, you say that they spend the period of time doing it.

We spent the evening talking about art.I was planning to spend all day writing.

Be Careful!
Don't say that someone spends a period of time 'in doing', 'on doing', or 'to do' something. Don't say, for example, 'We spent the evening in talking about art'.

If someone is in a place from the beginning to the end of a period of time, you can say that they spend the time there.

He spent most of his time in the library.We found a hotel where we could spend the night.

You can say that someone spends a period of time in another person's company.

I spent an evening with David.
2. 'pass'

You don't usually say that you 'pass time' doing something. Don't say, for example, 'We passed the evening talking about art'.

However, if you do something to occupy yourself while you are waiting for something, you say that you do it to pass the time.

He had brought a book along to pass the time.To pass the time they played games.
3. 'have'

If you enjoy yourself while you are doing something, don't say that you 'pass' or 'spend' a good time. Say that you have a good time.

The kids are having a good time on the beach.We had a wonderful time visiting our friends.


Past participle: passed
Gerund: passing
I pass
you pass
he/she/it passes
we pass
you pass
they pass
I passed
you passed
he/she/it passed
we passed
you passed
they passed
Present Continuous
I am passing
you are passing
he/she/it is passing
we are passing
you are passing
they are passing
Present Perfect
I have passed
you have passed
he/she/it has passed
we have passed
you have passed
they have passed
Past Continuous
I was passing
you were passing
he/she/it was passing
we were passing
you were passing
they were passing
Past Perfect
I had passed
you had passed
he/she/it had passed
we had passed
you had passed
they had passed
I will pass
you will pass
he/she/it will pass
we will pass
you will pass
they will pass
Future Perfect
I will have passed
you will have passed
he/she/it will have passed
we will have passed
you will have passed
they will have passed
Future Continuous
I will be passing
you will be passing
he/she/it will be passing
we will be passing
you will be passing
they will be passing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been passing
you have been passing
he/she/it has been passing
we have been passing
you have been passing
they have been passing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been passing
you will have been passing
he/she/it will have been passing
we will have been passing
you will have been passing
they will have been passing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been passing
you had been passing
he/she/it had been passing
we had been passing
you had been passing
they had been passing
I would pass
you would pass
he/she/it would pass
we would pass
you would pass
they would pass
Past Conditional
I would have passed
you would have passed
he/she/it would have passed
we would have passed
you would have passed
they would have passed


To pass ingredients through a strainer or sieve.
Noun1.pass - (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four ballspass - (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls; "he worked the pitcher for a base on balls"base on balls, walkaccomplishment, achievement - the action of accomplishing somethingbaseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!"
2.pass - (military) a written leave of absence; "he had a pass for three days"armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"leave, leave of absence - the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty; "a ten day's leave to visit his mother"
3.pass - (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammatepass - (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate; "the coach sent in a passing play on third and long"passing, passing game, passing playAmerican football, American football game - a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) playsfootball play - (American football) a play by the offensive teamaerial, forward pass - a pass to a receiver downfield from the passerlateral, lateral pass - a pass to a receiver upfield from the passerspot pass - a pass to a designated spot on the field; the receiver should arrive at that spot the same time the ball does
4.pass - the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peakspass - the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks; "we got through the pass before it started to snow"mountain pass, notchlocation - a point or extent in spacecol, gap - a pass between mountain peaksdefile, gorge - a narrow pass (especially one between mountains)chain of mountains, mountain chain, mountain range, range of mountains, range, chain - a series of hills or mountains; "the valley was between two ranges of hills"; "the plains lay just beyond the mountain range"saddleback, saddle - a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is shaped like a saddle)
5.pass - any authorization to pass or go somewherepass - any authorization to pass or go somewhere; "the pass to visit had a strict time limit"passportpermission - approval to do something; "he asked permission to leave"safe-conduct, safeguard - a document or escort providing safe passage through a region especially in time of war
6.pass - a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions; "the media representatives had special passes"laissez passerpermission - approval to do something; "he asked permission to leave"boarding card, boarding pass - a pass that allows you to board a ship or planehall pass - written permission from a teacher for a student to be out the classroom and in the halls of the schoolticket-of-leave - a permit formerly given to convicts allowing them to leave prison under specific restrictions
7.pass - a flight or run by an aircraft over a target; "the plane turned to make a second pass"flying, flight - an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"
8.pass - a bad or difficult situation or state of affairsstraits, straitdesperate straits, dire straits - a state of extreme distresssituation - a complex or critical or unusual difficulty; "the dangerous situation developed suddenly"; "that's quite a situation"; "no human situation is simple"
9.pass - a difficult juncture; "a pretty pass"; "matters came to a head yesterday"straits, headjuncture, occasion - an event that occurs at a critical time; "at such junctures he always had an impulse to leave"; "it was needed only on special occasions"
10.pass - one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer); "it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass"computer, computing device, computing machine, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system - a machine for performing calculations automaticallyoscillation, cycle - a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon; "a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons"
11.pass - you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent; "he had a bye in the first round"byeconceding, concession, yielding - the act of conceding or yielding
12.pass - a permit to enter or leave a military installation; "he had to show his pass in order to get out"liberty chitlicense, permit, licence - a legal document giving official permission to do somethingarmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
13.pass - a complimentary ticket; "the star got passes for his family"ticket - a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment)
14.pass - a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl"fling, go, offer, whirl, crackattempt, effort, try, endeavor, endeavour - earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; "made an effort to cover all the reading material"; "wished him luck in his endeavor"; "she gave it a good try"
15.pass - (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your teampass - (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team; "the pass was fumbled"toss, flipthrow - the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist); "the catcher made a good throw to second base"centering, snap - (American football) putting the ball in play by passing it (between the legs) to a back; "the quarterback fumbled the snap"athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
16.pass - success in satisfying a test or requirement; "his future depended on his passing that test"; "he got a pass in introductory chemistry"qualifying, passingsuccess - an attainment that is successful; "his success in the marathon was unexpected"; "his new play was a great success"
Verb1.pass - go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"go across, go throughbreak through, crack - pass through (a barrier); "Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county"squeak through, squeak by - escape; "She squeaked by me"go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"transit - pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place); "The comet will transit on September 11"cross, cut across, cut through, get over, traverse, pass over, get across, track, cover - travel across or pass over; "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"pass through, infiltrate - pass through an enemy line; in a military conflictrun - cover by running; run a certain distance; "She ran 10 miles that day"move through, pass across, pass through, transit, pass over - make a passage or journey from one place to another; "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;" "Some travelers pass through the desert"cut - pass directly and often in haste; "We cut through the neighbor's yard to get home sooner"crash - move violently as through a barrier; "The terrorists crashed the gate"muscle - make one's way by force; "He muscled his way into the office"overstep, transgress, trespass - pass beyond (limits or boundaries)negotiate, negociate - succeed in passing through, around, or over; "The hiker negociated the high mountain pass"lock - pass by means through a lock in a waterwaywork, make - proceed along a path; "work one's way through the crowd"; "make one's way into the forest"cycle - pass through a cycle; "This machine automatically cycles"blunder, fumble - make one's way clumsily or blindly; "He fumbled towards the door"pass over, skip, skip over, jump - bypass; "He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible"cross, cut across, cut through, get over, traverse, pass over, get across, track, cover - travel across or pass over; "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"move through, pass across, pass through, transit, pass over - make a passage or journey from one place to another; "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;" "Some travelers pass through the desert"
2.pass - move pastpass - move past; "A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window"; "He passed his professor in the hall"; "One line of soldiers surpassed the other"go past, pass by, travel by, go by, surpassgo, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"skirt - pass around or about; move along the border; "The boat skirted the coast"run by - pass by while running; "We watched children were running by"fly by - pass by while flying; "An enemy plane flew by"whisk by, zip by, fly by - move by very quickly
3.pass - make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation; "They passed the amendment"; "We cannot legislate how people spend their free time"legislateenact, ordain - order by virtue of superior authority; decree; "The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews"; "the legislature enacted this law in 1985"
4.pass - pass by; "three years elapsed"elapse, glide by, go by, slide by, slip by, slip away, go along, lapseadvance, march on, move on, progress, pass on, go on - move forward, also in the metaphorical sense; "Time marches on"fell, vanish, fly - pass away rapidly; "Time flies like an arrow"; "Time fleeing beneath him"
5.pass - place into the hands or custody ofpass - place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"hand, pass on, turn over, reach, givegive - leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"transfer - cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"sneak, slip - pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"deal - give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"fork out, fork over, fork up, hand over, turn in, deliver, render - to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money"relinquish, resign, give up, release, free - part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"entrust, intrust, confide, commit, trust - confer a trust upon; "The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret"; "I commit my soul to God"entrust, leave - put into the care or protection of someone; "He left the decision to his deputy"; "leave your child the nurse's care"communicate, pass along, put across, pass on, pass - transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees"; "pass along the good news"pass on - give to or transfer possession of; "She passed the family jewels on to her daughter-in-law"impart, pass on, give, leave - transmit (knowledge or skills); "give a secret to the Russians"; "leave your name and address here"; "impart a new skill to the students"relegate, submit, pass on - refer to another person for decision or judgment; "She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues"
6.pass - stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"extend, run, lead, gobe - occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"come - extend or reach; "The water came up to my waist"; "The sleeves come to your knuckles"ray, radiate - extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center; "spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel"; "This plants radiate spines in all directions"range, run - change or be different within limits; "Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion"; "Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent"; "The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals"; "My students range from very bright to dull"go deep, go far - extend in importance or range; "His accomplishments go far"
7.pass - travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks"overhaul, overtakeadvance, march on, move on, progress, pass on, go on - move forward, also in the metaphorical sense; "Time marches on"get by - pass or move in front of; "Bride's Biscuit got by the other dogs to win the race"top, clear - pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops"
8.pass - come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"hap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, fall out, pass offrecrudesce, develop, break - happen; "Report the news as it develops"; "These political movements recrudesce from time to time"come up, arise - result or issue; "A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion"result - come about or follow as a consequence; "nothing will result from this meeting"intervene - occur between other event or between certain points of time; "the war intervened between the birth of her two children"transpire - come about, happen, or occur; "Several important events transpired last week"give - occur; "what gives?"operate - happen; "What is going on in the minds of the people?"supervene - take place as an additional or unexpected developmentproceed, go - follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did your interview go?"come - come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes early in June"fall - occur at a specified time or place; "Christmas falls on a Monday this year"; "The accent falls on the first syllable"anticipate - be a forerunner of or occur earlier than; "This composition anticipates Impressionism"develop - be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; "The plot developed slowly";recur, repeat - happen or occur again; "This is a recurring story"come off, go over, go off - happen in a particular manner; "how did your talk go over?"roll around, come around - happen regularly; "Christmas rolled around again"materialise, materialize, happen - come into being; become reality; "Her dream really materialized"bechance, befall, happen - happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance; "It happens that today is my birthday"; "These things befell" (Santayana)bechance, befall, betide - become of; happen to; "He promised that no harm would befall her"; "What has become of my children?"coincide, concur - happen simultaneously; "The two events coincided"backfire, backlash, recoil - come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect; "Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble"chance - be the case by chance; "I chanced to meet my old friend in the street"break - happen or take place; "Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months"fall, shine, strike - touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly; "Light fell on her face"; "The sun shone on the fields"; "The light struck the golden necklace"; "A strange sound struck my ears"turn out - prove to be in the result or end; "It turns out that he was right"contemporise, contemporize, synchronise, synchronize - happen at the same time
9.pass - go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House"clearclear - pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs"bring home the bacon, deliver the goods, succeed, win, come through - attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
10.pass - pass time in a specific way; "how are you spending your summer vacation?"spendsoldier - serve as a soldier in the militaryslum - spend time at a lower socio-economic level than one's own, motivated by curiosity or desire for adventure; usage considered condescending and insensitive; "attending a motion picture show by the upper class was considered sluming in the early 20th century"weekend - spend the weekendholiday, vacation - spend or take a vacationserve, do - spend time in prison or in a labor camp; "He did six years for embezzlement"while away, get through - spend or pass, as with boredom or in a pleasant manner; of timesojourn - spend a certain length of time; reside temporarilyoverwinter, winter - spend the winter; "We wintered on the Riviera"; "Shackleton's men overwintered on Elephant Island"summer - spend the summer; "We summered in Kashmir"
11.pass - pass over, across, or through; "He ran his eyes over her body"; "She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"; "He drew her hair through his fingers"guide, run, drawrub - move over something with pressure; "rub my hands"; "rub oil into her skin"string, thread, draw - thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries"thread - pass through or into; "thread tape"; "thread film"thread - pass a thread through; "thread a needle"lead, run - cause something to pass or lead somewhere; "Run the wire behind the cabinet"disseminate, pass around, circulate, diffuse, broadcast, circularise, circularize, spread, disperse, propagate, distribute - cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"wipe, pass over - rub with a circular motion; "wipe the blackboard"; "He passed his hands over the soft cloth"
12.pass - transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees"; "pass along the good news"communicate, pass along, put across, pass onimplant, plant - put firmly in the mind; "Plant a thought in the students' minds"send a message - give or constitute a signal, not necessarily verbally; "The lack of good teachers sends a strong message to all parents in the community"relay - pass along; "Please relay the news to the villagers"get across, put over - communicate successfully; "I couldn't get across the message"; "He put over the idea very well"call for, request, bespeak, quest - express the need or desire for; ask for; "She requested an extra bed in her room"; "She called for room service"receipt, acknowledge - report the receipt of; "The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper"carry - pass on a communication; "The news was carried to every village in the province"render, deliver, return - pass down; "render a verdict"; "deliver a judgment"message - send as a message; "She messaged the final report by fax"message - send a message to; "She messaged the committee"transmit, communicate, convey - transfer to another; "communicate a disease"
13.pass - disappear gradually; "The pain eventually passed off"blow over, evanesce, fleet, fade, pass offdisappear, vanish, go away - get lost, as without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace"
14.pass - go successfully through a test or a selection processpass - go successfully through a test or a selection process; "She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now"make itace, breeze through, pass with flying colors, sail through, sweep through, nail - succeed at easily; "She sailed through her exams"; "You will pass with flying colors"; "She nailed her astrophysics course"bring home the bacon, deliver the goods, succeed, win, come through - attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"flunk, flush it, bomb, fail - fail to get a passing grade; "She studied hard but failed nevertheless"; "Did I fail the test?"
15.pass - be superior or better than some standard; "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year"top, transcend, exceed, go past, overstepexcel, surpass, stand out - distinguish oneself; "She excelled in math"
16.pass - accept or judge as acceptable; "The teacher passed the student although he was weak"pass judgment, evaluate, judge - form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"fail - judge unacceptable; "The teacher failed six students"
17.pass - allow to go without comment or censure; "the insult passed as if unnoticed"allow, let, permit - make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen; "This permits the water to rush in"; "This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement"; "This will permit the rain to run off"
18.pass - transfer to another; of rights or property; "Our house passed under his official control"change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
19.pass - pass into a specified state or condition; "He sank into nirvana"lapse, sinkmove - go or proceed from one point to another; "the debate moved from family values to the economy"
20.pass - throw (a ball) to another player; "Smith passed"throw - propel through the air; "throw a frisbee"
21.pass - be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"devolve, return, fallchange hands, change owners - be transferred to another owner; "This restaurant changed hands twice last year"light, fall - fall to somebody by assignment or lot; "The task fell to me"; "It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims"accrue, fall - come into the possession of; "The house accrued to the oldest son"
22.pass - cause to passpass - cause to pass; "She passed around the plates"make passcycle - cause to go through a recurring sequence; "cycle the laundry in this washing program"pass off - cause to be circulated and accepted in a false character or identity; "She passed the glass off as diamonds"; "He passed himself off as a secret agent"pass through - cause to move through; "Pass a chemical through a solution"lead, run - cause something to pass or lead somewhere; "Run the wire behind the cabinet"
23.pass - grant authorization or clearance forpass - grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"authorize, authorise, clearcountenance, permit, allow, let - consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"approbate - approve or sanction officiallycertificate - authorize by certificateapprove, O.K., okay, sanction - give sanction to; "I approve of his educational policies"declare - authorize payments of; "declare dividends"licence, license, certify - authorize officially; "I am licensed to practice law in this state"commission - charge with a taskvalidate, formalise, formalize - declare or make legally valid
24.pass - pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain lifepass - pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"croak, decease, die, drop dead, buy the farm, cash in one's chips, kick the bucket, pass away, perish, give-up the ghost, snuff it, pop off, expire, conk, exit, choke, goabort - cease development, die, and be aborted; "an aborting fetus"change state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"asphyxiate, stifle, suffocate - be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen; "The child suffocated under the pillow"buy it, pip out - be killed or die;drown - die from being submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating; "The child drowned in the lake"predecease - die before; die earlier than; "She predeceased her husband"conk out, go bad, break down, die, fail, give out, give way, break, go - stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident"starve, famish - die of food deprivation; "The political prisoners starved to death"; "Many famished in the countryside during the drought"die - suffer or face the pain of death; "Martyrs may die every day for their faith"fall - die, as in battle or in a hunt; "Many soldiers fell at Verdun"; "Several deer have fallen to the same gun"; "The shooting victim fell dead"succumb, yield - be fatally overwhelmed
25.pass - eliminate from the body; "Pass a kidney stone"egest, excrete, eliminateperspire, sudate, sweat - excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; "Exercise makes one sweat"exudate, exude, ooze out, transude, ooze - release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities; "exude sweat through the pores"make water, micturate, pass water, pee, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, take a leak, piss, wee, wee-wee, urinate, piddle, puddle, make - eliminate urine; "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"urinate - pass after the manner of urine; "The sick men urinated blood"void, empty, evacuate - excrete or discharge from the bodybarf, be sick, puke, regorge, retch, sick, throw up, upchuck, vomit, vomit up, disgorge, cat, spue, spew, regurgitate, chuck, honk, purge, cast - eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; "After drinking too much, the students vomited"; "He purged continuously"; "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"eject, expel, release, exhaust, discharge - eliminate (a substance); "combustion products are exhausted in the engine"; "the plant releases a gas"
Adj.1.pass - of advancing the ball by throwing it; "a team with a good passing attack"; "a pass play"passingfootball, football game - any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goalrunning - of advancing the ball by running; "the team's running plays worked better than its pass plays"


verb1. go by or past, overtake, drive past, lap, leave behind, cut up (informal), pull ahead of A car passed me going quite fast.
go by or past stop, halt, pause, cease, bring or come to a standstill
2. go, move, travel, roll, progress, flow, proceed, move onwards He passed through the doorway to ward B.3. run, move, stroke He passed a hand through her hair.4. give, hand, send, throw, exchange, transfer, deliver, toss, transmit, convey, chuck (informal), let someone have He passed the books to the librarian.5. be left, come, be bequeathed, be inherited by His mother's estate passed to him after her death.6. kick, hit, loft, head, lob Their team passed the ball better than ours did.7. elapse, progress, go by, lapse, wear on, go past, tick by As the years passed, he grew discontented with his marriage.8. end, go, die, disappear, fade, cease, vanish, dissolve, expire, terminate, dwindle, evaporate, wane, ebb, melt away, blow over This crisis will pass eventually. Her feelings lightened as the storm passed.9. spend, use (up), kill, fill, waste, employ, occupy, devote, beguile, while away The children passed the time playing in the streets.10. exceed, beat, overtake, go beyond, excel, surpass, transcend, outstrip, outdo, surmount They were the first company in their field to pass the £2 billion turnover mark.11. be successful in, qualify (in), succeed (in), graduate (in), get through, do, pass muster (in), come up to scratch (in) (informal), gain a pass in Kevin has just passed his driving test.
be successful in fail, be unsuccessful in, lose, be inferior to, be inadequate in, come a cropper in (informal), suffer defeat in
12. approve, accept, establish, adopt, sanction, decree, enact, authorize, ratify, ordain, validate, legislate (for) The Senate passed the bill by a vote of seventy-three to twenty-four.
approve refuse, ban, reject, veto, prohibit, overrule, disallow, invalidate
13. pronounce, deliver, issue, set forth Passing sentence, the judge described the crime as odious.14. utter, speak, voice, express, declare We passed a few remarks about the weather.15. discharge, release, expel, evacuate, emit, let out, eliminate (rare) The first symptom is extreme pain when passing urine.
noun1. licence, ticket, permit, permission, passport, warrant, identification, identity card, authorization Can I see your boarding pass, please?2. gap, route, canyon, col, gorge, ravine, defile The monastery is in a remote mountain pass.3. predicament, condition, situation, state, stage, pinch, plight, straits, state of affairs, juncture Things have come to a pretty pass when people are afraid to go out after dark.come to pass (Old-fashioned) happen, develop, occur, take place, come up, fall out, roll up, befall Everything I said about the game came to pass that night.let something pass ignore, overlook, neglect, not heed I could not let the remark pass.make a pass at someone make advances to, proposition, hit on (U.S. & Canad. slang), come on to (informal), make a play for (informal), make an approach to, make sexual overtures to Was he just being friendly, or was he making a pass at her?pass as or for something or someone be mistaken for, be taken for, impersonate, be accepted as, be regarded as He was trying to pass as one of the locals.pass away or on (Euphemistic) die, pass on, depart (this life), buy it (U.S. slang), expire, check out (U.S. slang), pass over, kick it (slang), croak (slang), go belly-up (slang), snuff it (informal), peg out (informal), kick the bucket (slang), buy the farm (U.S. slang), peg it (informal), decease, shuffle off this mortal coil, cark it (Austral. & N.Z. informal), pop your clogs (informal) He unfortunately passed away last year.pass by go past, pass, move past, walk by or past He gave me a nod as he passed by. I passed by your house last night.pass off1. take place, happen, occur, turn out, go down (U.S. & Canad.), be completed, go off, fall out, be finished, pan out The event passed off without any major incidents.2. come to an end, disappear, vanish, die away, fade out or away The effects of the anaesthetic gradually passed off.pass out (Informal) faint, drop, black out (informal), swoon (literary), lose consciousness, keel over (informal), flake out (informal), become unconscious She got drunk and passed out.pass someone over overlook, ignore, discount, pass by, disregard, not consider, take no notice of, not take into consideration, pay not attention to She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion.pass something or someone off as something or someone misrepresent as, palm something or someone off as, falsely represent as, disguise something or someone as, dress something or someone up as horse meat being passed off as ground beefpass something out hand out, distribute, dole out, deal out They were passing out leaflets in the street.pass something over disregard, forget, ignore, skip, omit, pass by, not dwell on Let's pass over that subject.pass something up (Informal) miss, ignore, let slip, refuse, decline, reject, neglect, forgo, abstain from, let (something) go by, give (something) a miss (informal) It's too good a chance to pass up.pass yourself off as someone pretend to be, fake being, feign being, make a pretence of being He tried to pass himself off as a doctor.Usage: The past participle of pass is sometimes wrongly spelt past: the time for recriminations has passed (not past).


verb1. To move along a particular course:fare, go, journey, proceed, push on, remove, travel, wend.Idiom: make one's way.2. To make or go on a journey:journey, peregrinate, travel, trek, trip.Idiom: hit the road.3. To catch up with and move past:overhaul, overtake.4. To be greater or better than:best, better, exceed, excel, outdo, outmatch, outrun, outshine, outstrip, surpass, top, transcend.Informal: beat.Idioms: go beyond, go one better.5. To go across:cross, track, transit, traverse.6. To move past in time:elapse, go (by), lapse.7. To cause to be transferred from one to another:convey, hand (over), transmit.8. To make known:break, carry, communicate, convey, disclose, get across, impart, report, tell, transmit.9. To cause (a disease) to pass to another or others:carry, communicate, convey, give, spread, transmit.10. To come as by lot or inheritance:devolve, fall.11. To convey (something) from one generation to the next.Along or on:bequeath, hand down, hand on, transmit.12. To move toward a termination:go, go away, pass away.13. To cease living.Also used with on:decease, demise, depart, die, drop, expire, go, pass away, perish, succumb.Informal: pop off.Slang: check out, croak, kick in, kick off.Idioms: bite the dust, breathe one's last, cash in, give up the ghost, go to one's grave, kick the bucket, meet one's end, pass on to the Great Beyond, turn up one's toes.14. To take place:befall, betide, come, come about, come off, develop, hap, happen, occur, transpire.Idiom: come to pass.15. To use time in a particular way:put in, spend.16. To go through (life) in a certain way:lead, live, pursue.17. To represent oneself in a given character or as other than what one is:attitudinize, impersonate, masquerade, pose, posture.Idiom: pass oneself off as.18. To be accepted or approved:carry, clear.19. To accept officially:adopt, affirm, approve, confirm, ratify, sanction.phrasal verb
pass away1. To move toward a termination:go, go away, pass.2. To cease living:decease, demise, depart, die, drop, expire, go, pass (on), perish, succumb.Informal: pop off.Slang: check out, croak, kick in, kick off.Idioms: bite the dust, breathe one's last, cash in, give up the ghost, go to one's grave, kick the bucket, meet one's end, pass on to the Great Beyond, turn up one's toes.phrasal verb
pass offTo offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item):fob off, foist, palm off, put off.phrasal verb
pass outTo suffer temporary lack of consciousness:black out, faint, keel over, swoon.phrasal verb
pass overTo pretend not to see:blink (at), connive at, disregard, ignore, wink at.Idioms: be blind to, close one's eyes to, look the other way, turn a blind eye to.noun1. A free ticket entitling one to transportation or admission:Informal: comp.Slang: freebie.2. A decisive point:climacteric, crisis, crossroad (used in plural), exigence, exigency, head, juncture, turning point, zero hour.


(paːs) verb1. to move towards and then beyond (something, by going past, through, by, over etc). I pass the shops on my way to work; The procession passed along the corridor. 經過 经过2. to move, give etc from one person, state etc to another. They passed the photographs around; The tradition is passed (on/down) from father to son. 相傳,傳遞 相传,传递 3. to go or be beyond. This passes my understanding. 超出 超出4. (of vehicles etc on a road) to overtake. The sports car passed me at a dangerous bend in the road. 超過 超过5. to spend (time). They passed several weeks in the country. 度過 度过6. (of an official group, government etc) to accept or approve. The government has passed a resolution. 批准 批准7. to give or announce (a judgement or sentence). The magistrate passed judgement on the prisoner. 宣佈 宣布8. to end or go away. His sickness soon passed. 消失 消失9. to (judge to) be successful in (an examination etc). I passed my driving test. 通過,及格 通过,及格 noun1. a narrow path between mountains. a mountain pass. 要隘 要隘2. a ticket or card allowing a person to do something, eg to travel free or to get in to a building. You must show your pass before entering. 通行證 通行证3. a successful result in an examination, especially when below a distinction, honours etc. There were ten passes and no fails. 及格 及格4. (in ball games) a throw, kick, hit etc of the ball from one player to another. The centre-forward made a pass towards the goal. 傳球 传球ˈpassable adjective1. fairly good. a passable tennis player. 合格的 合格的2. (of a river, road etc) able to be passed, travelled over etc. The mud has made the roads no longer passable. 可通行的 可通行的ˈpassing adjective1. going past. a passing car. 經過的 经过的2. lasting only a short time. a passing interest. 一時的,短暫的 一时的,短暂的 3. (of something said) casual and not made as part of a serious talk about the subject. a passing reference. 順便的 顺便的ˌpasser-ˈbyplural ˌpassers-ˈby noun a person who is going past a place when something happens. He asked the passers-by if they had seen the accident. 過路人 过路人ˈpassword noun a secret word by which those who know it can recognize each other and be allowed to go past, enter etc. He was not allowed into the army camp because he did not know the password. 口令,暗語 口令,暗号 in passing while doing or talking about something else; without explaining fully what one means. He told her the story, and said in passing that he did not completely believe it. 順便 顺便let (something) pass to ignore something rather than take the trouble to argue. I'll let that pass. 放過 放过pass as/for to be mistaken for or accepted as. Some man-made materials could pass as silk; His nasty remarks pass for wit among his admirers. 被錯認為 被错认为pass away to die. Her grandmother passed away last night. 去世 去世pass the buck to give the responsibility or blame for something to someone else. She always passes the buck if she is asked to do anything. 推卸責任給 推卸责任给pass by to go past (a particular place). I was passing by when the bride arrived at the church; She passed by the hospital on the way to the library. 從...旁而過 从...旁而过pass off (of sickness, an emotion etc) to go away. By the evening, his sickness had passed off and he felt better. 結束 结束pass (something or someone) off as to pretend that (something or someone) is (something or someone else). He passed himself off as a journalist. 冒充為... 冒充为...pass on1. to give to someone else (usually something which one has been given by a third person). I passed on his message. 把...傳給 把...传给2. to die. His mother passed on yesterday. 去世 去世pass out1. to faint. I feel as though I'm going to pass out. 昏倒 昏倒2. to give to several different people. The teacher passed out books to her class. 散髮 散发pass over to ignore or overlook. They passed him over for promotion. 不注意,忽略,忽視 不注意,忽视 pass up not to accept (a chance, opportunity etc). He passed up the offer of a good job. 放過(機會等) 放过(机会等)
passed is the past tense of to pass: He passed the scene of the accident .
past means up to and beyond: She walked past the shops .


关口zhCN, 及格zhCN, 考试及格zhCN, 超过zhCN, 通行证zhCN, 通过zhCN
  • Is there a discount with this pass? (US)
    Is there a reduction with this pass? (UK) → 凭这张通行证可以优惠吗?
  • Where can I buy a ski pass? → 哪儿能买滑雪票?
  • How much is a ski pass? → 一张滑雪票多少钱?
  • I'd like a ski pass for a day → 我要买一张全天的滑雪票
  • How much is a pass for a day? → 一张全天的滑雪票多少钱?
  • I'd like a ski pass for a week → 我要买一张一星期的滑雪票
  • How much is a pass per week? → 一张一星期的滑雪票多少钱?
  • Pass the salt, please → 请把盐递给我



1. n. a passing grade or mark on a test. (Compare this with fail.) This is my third pass this semester. 2. in. to decline something; to decline to participate in something. I’ll have to pass. I am not prepared. 3. n. an act of declining something. Can I have a pass on that one? There is nothing I can do. 4. n. a sexual advance or invitation. (Usually with make.) When he made a pass at me, he got a pass right back. 5. tv. to succeed in spending counterfeit money; to succeed in cashing a bad check. He was arrested for passing bad checks.
  • a pretty pass
  • All things must pass
  • be like ships that pass in the night
  • be ships that pass in the night
  • bring about
  • bring to pass
  • come about
  • come to a pretty pass
  • come to pass
  • come to pass, to
  • come to such a pass
  • cross one's mind
  • cut (one) off at the pass
  • cut off at the pass
  • cut off at the pass, to
  • do not pass go
  • give (one) the flick (pass)
  • give someone the flick
  • hail Mary pass
  • hard pass
  • head (someone or something) off at the pass
  • head off
  • head off at the pass
  • head someone or something off at the pass
  • hospital pass
  • let (one) pass by
  • let (something) pass
  • let by
  • let pass
  • let something pass
  • make a pass at
  • make a pass at (one)
  • make a pass at somebody
  • make a pass at someone
  • not pass (one's) lips
  • not pass your lips
  • over head
  • palm off
  • pass
  • pass (one's) expiry date
  • pass (one's) lips
  • pass (one's) sell-by date
  • pass (someone or something) off (as something else)
  • pass (someone or something) over
  • pass (something) around
  • pass (something) down (to someone)
  • pass (something) to (one)
  • pass (something) with flying colors
  • pass (something) with flying colours
  • pass a bum check
  • pass along
  • pass around
  • pass as
  • pass as (someone or something)
  • pass away
  • pass back
  • pass by
  • pass by on the other side
  • pass current
  • pass down
  • pass for
  • pass for (someone or something)
  • pass for something
  • pass forward
  • pass from
  • pass from (something)
  • pass gas
  • pass go
  • pass in
  • pass in a crowd
  • pass in review
  • pass in your ally
  • pass into
  • pass into (something)
  • pass judgement
  • pass judgment
  • pass judgment (on someone or something)
  • pass lips
  • pass muster
  • pass muster, to
  • pass off
  • pass on
  • pass on (something)
  • pass on the baton
  • pass on to the Great Beyond
  • pass one's lips
  • pass out
  • pass out (cold)
  • pass over
  • pass sentence (on someone or something)
  • pass sentence on
  • pass someone's lips
  • pass the baton
  • pass the buck
  • pass the buck, to
  • pass the hat
  • pass the hat (around)
  • pass the hat round
  • pass the hat round/around
  • pass the hat, to
  • pass the parcel
  • pass the Rubicon
  • pass the smell test
  • pass the time
  • pass the time of day
  • pass the time of day, to
  • pass the torch
  • pass the torch to someone
  • pass the/your time
  • pass through
  • pass through mind
  • pass through(one's) mind
  • pass to
  • pass under
  • pass under (something)
  • pass under the yoke
  • pass up
  • pass up (someone or something)
  • pass water
  • pass your sell-by date
  • praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition
  • reach a pretty pass
  • red-face test
  • sell the pass
  • ships that pass in the night
  • shrug off
  • this too shall pass (away)
  • this, too, shall/will pass
  • with flying colors, pass with



opening or way by which a natural or artificial barrier can be crossed. The term pass is usually applied to a relatively narrow passage through a mountainous region. A pass, like an isthmus, may have great strategic and economic importance; the history of a nation has often been determined by its success or failure in defending a pass, and land trade routes must necessarily cross passes. In the Alps, Saint BernardSaint Bernard,
two Alpine passes, both used since antiquity. The Great Saint Bernard (alt. 8,110 ft/2,472 m), on the Italian-Swiss border, links Valais canton, Switzerland, with Valle d'Aosta, Italy.
..... Click the link for more information.
, SimplonSimplon
, pass, 6,590 ft (2,009 m) high, in the Lepontine Alps, Valais canton, S Switzerland. It is crossed by the Simplon Road built (1800–1806) by Napoleon I.
..... Click the link for more information.
, and Saint GotthardSaint Gotthard
, mountain group of the Lepontine Alps, S central Switzerland, rising to Pizzo Rotondo (10,472 ft/3,192 m high). The Reuss, Rhine, Ticino, and Rhône rivers rise there. It is crossed by the Saint Gotthard Pass, 6,935 ft (2,114 m) high.
..... Click the link for more information.
 are important; in the Caucasus, DaryalDaryal
or Dariel
, pass, c.3,950 ft (1,204 m) high, N Georgia, in the central Greater Caucasus Mts. below Mt. Kazbek. Situated above the Terek River, it is noted for its wild grandeur.
..... Click the link for more information.
 is traversed by a great military road; in Asia, Khyber PassKhyber Pass
, narrow, steep-sided pass, 28 mi (45 km) long, winding through the Safed Koh Mts., on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border; highest point is 3,500 ft (1,067 m). The routes through it link the cities of Peshawar, Pakistan, and Kabul, Afghanistan.
..... Click the link for more information.
 into India and the passes of the Himalayas, KarakorumKarakorum
or Karakoram,
mountain range, extending c.300 mi (480 km), between the Indus and Yarkant rivers, N Kashmir, S central Asia; SE extension of the Hindu Kush. It covers disputed territory, held by China on the north, India on the east, and Pakistan on the west.
..... Click the link for more information.
, and other ranges are important.



a gap formed by the grooves of two coupled rolls through which the metal to be reduced is passed in order to give it the required shape.

A distinction is made between reducing, roughing, and finishing passes. Reducing passes serve to reduce the cross section of the initial stock without significant alteration of its shape; roughing passes are used to produce rolled metal with a cross section close to that of the finishing stage; and finishing passes are used to give the metal its final shape and dimensions.


[pas] (aerospace engineering) A single circuit of the earth made by a satellite; it starts at the time the satellite crosses the equator from the Southern Hemisphere into the Northern Hemisphere. The period of time in which a satellite is within telemetry range of a data acquisition station. (computer science) A complete cycle of reading, processing, and writing in a computer. (geography) A natural break, depression, or other low place providing a passage through high terrain, such as a mountain range. A navigable channel leading to a harbor or river. A narrow opening through a barrier reef, atoll, or sand bar. (mechanical engineering) The number of times that combustion gases are exposed to heat transfer surfaces in boilers (that is, single-pass, double-pass, and so on). In metal rolling, the passage in one direction of metal deformed between rolls. In metal cutting, transit of a metal cutting tool past the workpiece with a fixed tool setting. (metallurgy) Passage of a metal bar between rolls. Open space between two grooved rolls through which metal is processed. Weld metal deposited in one trip along the axis of a weld. (mining engineering) A mine opening through which coal or ore is delivered from a higher to a lower level. A passage left in old workings for workers to travel as they move from one level to another. A treatment of the whole ore sample in a sample divider. A passage of an excavation or grading machine. In surface mining, a complete excavator cycle in removing overburden.


A single progression of a welding operation along a joint, resulting in a weld bead.


On drawings, abbr. for “passenger.”


1. a route through a range of mountains where the summit is lower or where there is a gap between peaks 2. a way through any difficult region 3. a permit, licence, or authorization to do something without restriction 4. Brita. the passing of a college or university examination to a satisfactory standard but not as high as honours b. (as modifier): a pass degree 5. a dive, sweep, or bombing or landing run by an aircraft 6. a motion of the hand or of a wand as a prelude to or part of a conjuring trick 7. Sport the transfer of a ball from one player to another 8. Fencing a thrust or lunge with a sword 9. Bridge the act of passing (making no bid) 10. Bullfighting a variant of pase



(păs)v. passed, passing, passes v.intr. Medicine To be discharged from a bodily part: The patient had a lot of pain when the kidney stone passed.v.tr.1. Medicine To discharge (a waste product, for example) from a bodily part.2. Medicine To introduce (an instrument) into a bodily cavity.
pass′er n.


(pas) [Fr. passer, fr L. passare, to step, pace] To release or discharge matter from the body, e.g., feces, urine, or a kidney stone.

Patient discussion about pass

Q. How flu is passing? I have too small children, and in the class of the older one there’s an outbreak of flu with many sick children. The last time my little son had the flu was like a hell for him, and I really won’t to prevent it. What can I do?A. The virus (the creature that cause flu is spread in secretions from the nose, mouth etc, and children may be infective even days before they actually have visible disease.
However, simple measures, such as covering the nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing and washing hands thoroughly may minimize the transmission of the flu from child to child.

Q. Can hepatitis pass from mother to her baby? I got hepatitis B when I was given blood in a hospital somewhere in the far east. I’m now pregnant with a baby boy, and I’m a bit worried- Will he also get HBV? I heard that mothers wit HBV must undergo cesarean section instead of regular birth- Is that right?I must add that my liver is fine and I don’t have any active disease at the moment, and so far the pregnancy is OK without any problems. I heard a lot about the importance of breast feeding, and really want to breastfeed him after he’ll be born. Will that be possible?A. yes.it can.but the chance of in utero transmission is oniy 2%.more often it occures at the time of birth.

Q. My child, who has dypraxia, passed both TOVA & BRC. Help, I don't want to put him on ritalin but feel pres Since age 4 my child has received OT, ST and Physiotherpy. He is now 81/2 and has difficulties at school. Last year, after years of therapy, we went to a private Neuro Developmental Physiotherapist and she diagnosed him with Dyspraxia. I thought that my son was good at sport, but when she asked him to do the simplest of task like stand on one leg, or walk one foot infront of the other, he had great difficulty. He has diffculty processing information or thoughts and turning them into actions. This is especially evident in copying from the blackboard. His handwriting is extremely poor, even after many years, at much expence, of intense OT. His attention span is very poor, he daydreams and shuts down in class. The slightest noise, knock on the door, ticking clock etc wil break his concentration. He has passed both TOVA and BRC test, yet I am still under pressure from the school to put him on ritalin. I feel his concentration & attention problems are due to his Dyspraxia. HelpA. ritalin is not a sedative,it acts as a sedative in hyperative people.--methylphenidate is the same as ritalin but is cheeper. i know you are a good parent but sometimes you have to listen to the dr an therapist that work with these kinds of disorders.think about how this effects your child now--later on in life it might cause him to not go to college or get a job,not to say anything about his pears at school. there are a lot of other proplems with this disorder.

More discussions about pass



As a verb, to utter or pronounce, as when the court passes sentence upon a prisoner. Also to proceed; to be rendered or given, as when judgment is said to pass for the plaintiff in a suit.

In legislative parlance, a bill or resolution is said to pass when it is agreed to or enacted by the house, or when the body has sanctioned its adoption by the requisite majority of votes; in the same circumstances, the body is said to pass the bill or motion.

When an auditor appointed to examine any accounts certifies to their correctness, she is said to pass them; i.e., they pass through the examination without being detained or sent back for inaccuracy or imperfection.

The term also means to examine anything and then authoritatively determine the disputed questions that it involves. In this sense a jury is said to pass upon the rights or issues in litigation before them.

In the language of conveyancing, the term means to move from one person to another; i.e. to be transferred or conveyed from one owner to another.

To publish; utter; transfer; circulate; impose fraudulently. This is the meaning of the word when referring to the offense of passing counterfeit money or a forged paper.

As a noun, permission to pass; a license to go or come; a certificate, emanating from authority, wherein it is declared that a designated person is permitted to go beyond certain boundaries that, without such authority, he could not lawfully pass. Also a ticket issued by a railroad or other transportation company, authorizing a designated person to travel free on its lines, between certain points or for a limited time.

PASS. In the slave states this word signifies a certificate given by the master or mistress to a slave, in which it is stated that he is permitted to leave his home, with the authority of his master or mistress. The paper on which such certificate is written is also called a pass.

PASS, practice. To be given, or entered; to proceed; as, let the judgment pass for the plaintiff.

TO PASS. To accomplish, to complete, to decide.
2. The title to goods passes by the sale whenever the parties have agreed upon the sale and the price, and nothing remains to be done to complete the agreement. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 939.
3. When a jury decide upon the rights of the parties, which are in issue, they are said to pass upon them.

FinancialSeePass On


PASSPull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep (using a fire extinguisher)
PASSProfessional Association for SQL Server
PASSPlan for Achieving Self-Support (US Social Security Administration)
PASSPassim (Latin: throughout)
PASSParameterization of Subgrid Scale (meteorology)
PASSProfessional Airways Systems Specialists (Union)
PASSPotential Acid Sulfate Soil
PASSPersonal Alert Safety System
PASSPalmetto Assessment of State Standards (South Carolina)
PASSPost Abortion Stress Syndrome
PASSPostdoctoral Application Support Service
PASSPower Analysis and Sample Size
PASSProcurement Automated Source System
PASSPrimary Avionics Software System
PASSPerformance Accountability and Standards System
PASSPilipino Academic Student Services
PASSPublish and Subscribe Services (Army)
PASSPlanetarium Activities for Student Success
PASSPerformance Analysis of Systems and Software (Symposium)
PASSPeople against Spice Sales (est. 2011)
PASSPlanning, Attention, Simultaneous and Successive Processing (theory of intelligence)
PASSPilipino-Americans in Social Studies (University of California, Irvine)
PASSPrincipal Assessment for Student Success
PASSPersonal Alarm Safety System
PASSPartners Assuring Safer Schools
PASSProgram Assessment Automated System
PASSPersonalized Automotive Security System (passive automotive anti-theft system)
PASSProgramme of Advisory and Support Services (various organizations)
PASSPost-Authorisation Safety Study
PASSPay/Personnel Administrative Support System
PASSPost Arrest Screening Site
PASSPost Administrative Software Suite (Department of State)
PASSPersonal Assist Secretary System (Xbox)
PASSPatch Antenna with Switchable Slot
PASSPOCC Applications Software Support
PASSPilipino American Student Society
PASSProfiler for Academic Success of Students
PASSPrivate Automatic Switching System
PASSPassive Aircraft Status System
PASSPositive Action School Site
PASSPostaccident Sampling System
PASSPeople Against Sunday Shopping
PASSPassive Space Surveillance
PASSPreview, Ask, Summarize, and Synthesize
PASSParent Awareness of Skills Survey
PASSProduction Automated Scheduling System (method used to schedule jobs to run on a computer)
PASSPosition Aware Safety Systems
PASSPublication of the American Sociological Society
PASSPull, Aim, Squeeze, Spray
PASSPolygraph Assisted Scoring System
PASSPortable Aeromagnetic Survey System
PASSPerformance Assessment Support Service
PASSParameter Analysis Storage Switch
PASSParked Aircraft Sentry System
PASSPoly-Silicon Assisted Self-Aligned Selective-Epitaxial-Growth (semiconductor structure)
PASSPerformance Analysis for Surveillance Systems
PASSPressurized Air Starter System
PASSPower Against Second-Hand Smoke
PASSPull, Aim, Squeeze, Shoot
PASSPhoto Interpretation Analyst Support System
PASSPersonnel Administrative Support Service/System
PASSProtocol Analyzer, Simulation System
PASSProposal Automated Source System (AMSEC)
PASSParameter Analysis and Storage System


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for pass

verb go by or past


  • go by or past
  • overtake
  • drive past
  • lap
  • leave behind
  • cut up
  • pull ahead of


  • stop
  • halt
  • pause
  • cease
  • bring or come to a standstill

verb go


  • go
  • move
  • travel
  • roll
  • progress
  • flow
  • proceed
  • move onwards

verb run


  • run
  • move
  • stroke

verb give


  • give
  • hand
  • send
  • throw
  • exchange
  • transfer
  • deliver
  • toss
  • transmit
  • convey
  • chuck
  • let someone have

verb be left


  • be left
  • come
  • be bequeathed
  • be inherited by

verb kick


  • kick
  • hit
  • loft
  • head
  • lob

verb elapse


  • elapse
  • progress
  • go by
  • lapse
  • wear on
  • go past
  • tick by

verb end


  • end
  • go
  • die
  • disappear
  • fade
  • cease
  • vanish
  • dissolve
  • expire
  • terminate
  • dwindle
  • evaporate
  • wane
  • ebb
  • melt away
  • blow over

verb spend


  • spend
  • use (up)
  • kill
  • fill
  • waste
  • employ
  • occupy
  • devote
  • beguile
  • while away

verb exceed


  • exceed
  • beat
  • overtake
  • go beyond
  • excel
  • surpass
  • transcend
  • outstrip
  • outdo
  • surmount

verb be successful in


  • be successful in
  • qualify (in)
  • succeed (in)
  • graduate (in)
  • get through
  • do
  • pass muster (in)
  • come up to scratch (in)
  • gain a pass in


  • fail
  • be unsuccessful in
  • lose
  • be inferior to
  • be inadequate in
  • come a cropper in
  • suffer defeat in

verb approve


  • approve
  • accept
  • establish
  • adopt
  • sanction
  • decree
  • enact
  • authorize
  • ratify
  • ordain
  • validate
  • legislate (for)


  • refuse
  • ban
  • reject
  • veto
  • prohibit
  • overrule
  • disallow
  • invalidate

verb pronounce


  • pronounce
  • deliver
  • issue
  • set forth

verb utter


  • utter
  • speak
  • voice
  • express
  • declare

verb discharge


  • discharge
  • release
  • expel
  • evacuate
  • emit
  • let out
  • eliminate

noun licence


  • licence
  • ticket
  • permit
  • permission
  • passport
  • warrant
  • identification
  • identity card
  • authorization

noun gap


  • gap
  • route
  • canyon
  • col
  • gorge
  • ravine
  • defile

noun predicament


  • predicament
  • condition
  • situation
  • state
  • stage
  • pinch
  • plight
  • straits
  • state of affairs
  • juncture

phrase come to pass


  • happen
  • develop
  • occur
  • take place
  • come up
  • fall out
  • roll up
  • befall

phrase let something pass


  • ignore
  • overlook
  • neglect
  • not heed

phrase make a pass at someone


  • make advances to
  • proposition
  • hit on
  • come on to
  • make a play for
  • make an approach to
  • make sexual overtures to

phrase pass as or for something or someone


  • be mistaken for
  • be taken for
  • impersonate
  • be accepted as
  • be regarded as

phrase pass away or on


  • die
  • pass on
  • depart (this life)
  • buy it
  • expire
  • check out
  • pass over
  • kick it
  • croak
  • go belly-up
  • snuff it
  • peg out
  • kick the bucket
  • buy the farm
  • peg it
  • decease
  • shuffle off this mortal coil
  • cark it
  • pop your clogs

phrase pass by


  • go past
  • pass
  • move past
  • walk by or past

phrase pass off: take place


  • take place
  • happen
  • occur
  • turn out
  • go down
  • be completed
  • go off
  • fall out
  • be finished
  • pan out

phrase pass off: come to an end


  • come to an end
  • disappear
  • vanish
  • die away
  • fade out or away

phrase pass out


  • faint
  • drop
  • black out
  • swoon
  • lose consciousness
  • keel over
  • flake out
  • become unconscious

phrase pass someone over


  • overlook
  • ignore
  • discount
  • pass by
  • disregard
  • not consider
  • take no notice of
  • not take into consideration
  • pay not attention to

phrase pass something or someone off as something or someone


  • misrepresent as
  • palm something or someone off as
  • falsely represent as
  • disguise something or someone as
  • dress something or someone up as

phrase pass something out


  • hand out
  • distribute
  • dole out
  • deal out

phrase pass something over


  • disregard
  • forget
  • ignore
  • skip
  • omit
  • pass by
  • not dwell on

phrase pass something up


  • miss
  • ignore
  • let slip
  • refuse
  • decline
  • reject
  • neglect
  • forgo
  • abstain from
  • let (something) go by
  • give (something) a miss

phrase pass yourself off as someone


  • pretend to be
  • fake being
  • feign being
  • make a pretence of being

Synonyms for pass

verb to move along a particular course


  • fare
  • go
  • journey
  • proceed
  • push on
  • remove
  • travel
  • wend

verb to make or go on a journey


  • journey
  • peregrinate
  • travel
  • trek
  • trip

verb to catch up with and move past


  • overhaul
  • overtake

verb to be greater or better than


  • best
  • better
  • exceed
  • excel
  • outdo
  • outmatch
  • outrun
  • outshine
  • outstrip
  • surpass
  • top
  • transcend
  • beat

verb to go across


  • cross
  • track
  • transit
  • traverse

verb to move past in time


  • elapse
  • go
  • lapse

verb to cause to be transferred from one to another


  • convey
  • hand
  • transmit

verb to make known


  • break
  • carry
  • communicate
  • convey
  • disclose
  • get across
  • impart
  • report
  • tell
  • transmit

verb to cause (a disease) to pass to another or others


  • carry
  • communicate
  • convey
  • give
  • spread
  • transmit

verb to come as by lot or inheritance


  • devolve
  • fall

verb to convey (something) from one generation to the next


  • bequeath
  • hand down
  • hand on
  • transmit

verb to move toward a termination


  • go
  • go away
  • pass away

verb to cease living


  • decease
  • demise
  • depart
  • die
  • drop
  • expire
  • go
  • pass away
  • perish
  • succumb
  • pop off
  • check out
  • croak
  • kick in
  • kick off

verb to take place


  • befall
  • betide
  • come
  • come about
  • come off
  • develop
  • hap
  • happen
  • occur
  • transpire

verb to use time in a particular way


  • put in
  • spend

verb to go through (life) in a certain way


  • lead
  • live
  • pursue

verb to represent oneself in a given character or as other than what one is


  • attitudinize
  • impersonate
  • masquerade
  • pose
  • posture

verb to be accepted or approved


  • carry
  • clear

verb to accept officially


  • adopt
  • affirm
  • approve
  • confirm
  • ratify
  • sanction

phrase pass away: to move toward a termination


  • go
  • go away
  • pass

phrase pass away: to cease living


  • decease
  • demise
  • depart
  • die
  • drop
  • expire
  • go
  • pass
  • perish
  • succumb
  • pop off
  • check out
  • croak
  • kick in
  • kick off

phrase pass off: to offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item)


  • fob off
  • foist
  • palm off
  • put off

phrase pass out: to suffer temporary lack of consciousness


  • black out
  • faint
  • keel over
  • swoon

phrase pass over: to pretend not to see


  • blink
  • connive at
  • disregard
  • ignore
  • wink at

noun a free ticket entitling one to transportation or admission


  • comp
  • freebie

noun a decisive point


  • climacteric
  • crisis
  • crossroad
  • exigence
  • exigency
  • head
  • juncture
  • turning point
  • zero hour

Synonyms for pass

noun (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls


  • base on balls
  • walk

Related Words

  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • baseball
  • baseball game

noun (military) a written leave of absence

Related Words

  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine
  • leave
  • leave of absence

noun (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate


  • passing
  • passing game
  • passing play

Related Words

  • American football
  • American football game
  • football play
  • aerial
  • forward pass
  • lateral
  • lateral pass
  • spot pass

noun the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks


  • mountain pass
  • notch

Related Words

  • location
  • col
  • gap
  • defile
  • gorge
  • chain of mountains
  • mountain chain
  • mountain range
  • range of mountains
  • range
  • chain
  • saddleback
  • saddle

noun any authorization to pass or go somewhere


  • passport

Related Words

  • permission
  • safe-conduct
  • safeguard

noun a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions


  • laissez passer

Related Words

  • permission
  • boarding card
  • boarding pass
  • hall pass
  • ticket-of-leave

noun a flight or run by an aircraft over a target

Related Words

  • flying
  • flight

noun a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs


  • straits
  • strait

Related Words

  • desperate straits
  • dire straits
  • situation

noun a difficult juncture


  • straits
  • head

Related Words

  • juncture
  • occasion

noun one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer)

Related Words

  • computer
  • computing device
  • computing machine
  • data processor
  • electronic computer
  • information processing system
  • oscillation
  • cycle

noun you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent


  • bye

Related Words

  • conceding
  • concession
  • yielding

noun a permit to enter or leave a military installation


  • liberty chit

Related Words

  • license
  • permit
  • licence
  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine

noun a complimentary ticket

Related Words

  • ticket

noun a usually brief attempt


  • fling
  • go
  • offer
  • whirl
  • crack

Related Words

  • attempt
  • effort
  • try
  • endeavor
  • endeavour

noun (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team


  • toss
  • flip

Related Words

  • throw
  • centering
  • snap
  • athletics
  • sport

noun success in satisfying a test or requirement


  • qualifying
  • passing

Related Words

  • success

verb go across or through


  • go across
  • go through

Related Words

  • break through
  • crack
  • squeak through
  • squeak by
  • go
  • locomote
  • move
  • travel
  • transit
  • cross
  • cut across
  • cut through
  • get over
  • traverse
  • pass over
  • get across
  • track
  • cover
  • pass through
  • infiltrate
  • run
  • move through
  • pass across
  • cut
  • crash
  • muscle
  • overstep
  • transgress
  • trespass
  • negotiate
  • negociate
  • lock
  • work
  • make
  • cycle
  • blunder
  • fumble
  • skip
  • skip over
  • jump

verb move past


  • go past
  • pass by
  • travel by
  • go by
  • surpass

Related Words

  • go
  • locomote
  • move
  • travel
  • skirt
  • run by
  • fly by
  • whisk by
  • zip by

verb make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation


  • legislate

Related Words

  • enact
  • ordain

verb pass by


  • elapse
  • glide by
  • go by
  • slide by
  • slip by
  • slip away
  • go along
  • lapse

Related Words

  • advance
  • march on
  • move on
  • progress
  • pass on
  • go on
  • fell
  • vanish
  • fly

verb place into the hands or custody of


  • hand
  • pass on
  • turn over
  • reach
  • give

Related Words

  • give
  • transfer
  • sneak
  • slip
  • deal
  • fork out
  • fork over
  • fork up
  • hand over
  • turn in
  • deliver
  • render
  • relinquish
  • resign
  • give up
  • release
  • free
  • entrust
  • intrust
  • confide
  • commit
  • trust
  • leave
  • communicate
  • pass along
  • put across
  • pass on
  • pass
  • impart
  • relegate
  • submit

verb stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope


  • extend
  • run
  • lead
  • go

Related Words

  • be
  • come
  • ray
  • radiate
  • range
  • run
  • go deep
  • go far

verb travel past


  • overhaul
  • overtake

Related Words

  • advance
  • march on
  • move on
  • progress
  • pass on
  • go on
  • get by
  • top
  • clear

verb come to pass


  • hap
  • happen
  • occur
  • come about
  • take place
  • go on
  • fall out
  • pass off

Related Words

  • recrudesce
  • develop
  • break
  • come up
  • arise
  • result
  • intervene
  • transpire
  • give
  • operate
  • supervene
  • proceed
  • go
  • come
  • fall
  • anticipate
  • recur
  • repeat
  • come off
  • go over
  • go off
  • roll around
  • come around
  • materialise
  • materialize
  • happen
  • bechance
  • befall
  • betide
  • coincide
  • concur
  • backfire
  • backlash
  • recoil
  • chance
  • shine
  • strike
  • turn out
  • contemporise
  • contemporize
  • synchronise
  • synchronize

verb go unchallenged


  • clear

Related Words

  • clear
  • bring home the bacon
  • deliver the goods
  • succeed
  • win
  • come through

verb pass time in a specific way


  • spend

Related Words

  • soldier
  • slum
  • weekend
  • holiday
  • vacation
  • serve
  • do
  • while away
  • get through
  • sojourn
  • overwinter
  • winter
  • summer

verb pass over, across, or through


  • guide
  • run
  • draw

Related Words

  • rub
  • string
  • thread
  • draw
  • lead
  • run
  • disseminate
  • pass around
  • circulate
  • diffuse
  • broadcast
  • circularise
  • circularize
  • spread
  • disperse
  • propagate
  • distribute
  • wipe
  • pass over

verb transmit information


  • communicate
  • pass along
  • put across
  • pass on

Related Words

  • implant
  • plant
  • send a message
  • relay
  • get across
  • put over
  • call for
  • request
  • bespeak
  • quest
  • receipt
  • acknowledge
  • carry
  • render
  • deliver
  • return
  • message
  • transmit
  • communicate
  • convey

verb disappear gradually


  • blow over
  • evanesce
  • fleet
  • fade
  • pass off

Related Words

  • disappear
  • vanish
  • go away

verb go successfully through a test or a selection process


  • make it

Related Words

  • ace
  • breeze through
  • pass with flying colors
  • sail through
  • sweep through
  • nail
  • bring home the bacon
  • deliver the goods
  • succeed
  • win
  • come through


  • flunk
  • flush it
  • bomb
  • fail

verb be superior or better than some standard


  • top
  • transcend
  • exceed
  • go past
  • overstep

Related Words

  • excel
  • surpass
  • stand out

verb accept or judge as acceptable

Related Words

  • pass judgment
  • evaluate
  • judge


  • fail

verb allow to go without comment or censure

Related Words

  • allow
  • let
  • permit

verb transfer to another

Related Words

  • change

verb pass into a specified state or condition


  • lapse
  • sink

Related Words

  • move

verb throw (a ball) to another player

Related Words

  • throw

verb be inherited by


  • devolve
  • return
  • fall

Related Words

  • change hands
  • change owners
  • light
  • fall
  • accrue

verb cause to pass


  • make pass

Related Words

  • cycle
  • pass off
  • pass through
  • lead
  • run

verb grant authorization or clearance for


  • authorize
  • authorise
  • clear

Related Words

  • countenance
  • permit
  • allow
  • let
  • approbate
  • certificate
  • approve
  • O.K.
  • okay
  • sanction
  • declare
  • licence
  • license
  • certify
  • commission
  • validate
  • formalise
  • formalize

verb pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life


  • croak
  • decease
  • die
  • drop dead
  • buy the farm
  • cash in one's chips
  • kick the bucket
  • pass away
  • perish
  • give-up the ghost
  • snuff it
  • pop off
  • expire
  • conk
  • exit
  • choke
  • go

Related Words

  • abort
  • change state
  • turn
  • asphyxiate
  • stifle
  • suffocate
  • buy it
  • pip out
  • drown
  • predecease
  • conk out
  • go bad
  • break down
  • die
  • fail
  • give out
  • give way
  • break
  • go
  • starve
  • famish
  • fall
  • succumb
  • yield

verb eliminate from the body


  • egest
  • excrete
  • eliminate

Related Words

  • perspire
  • sudate
  • sweat
  • exudate
  • exude
  • ooze out
  • transude
  • ooze
  • make water
  • micturate
  • pass water
  • pee
  • pee-pee
  • relieve oneself
  • spend a penny
  • take a leak
  • piss
  • wee
  • wee-wee
  • urinate
  • piddle
  • puddle
  • make
  • void
  • empty
  • evacuate
  • ca-ca
  • crap
  • defecate
  • take a crap
  • take a shit
  • shit
  • stool
  • barf
  • be sick
  • puke
  • regorge
  • retch
  • sick
  • throw up
  • upchuck
  • vomit
  • vomit up
  • disgorge
  • cat
  • spue
  • spew
  • regurgitate
  • chuck
  • honk
  • purge
  • cast
  • eject
  • expel
  • release
  • exhaust
  • discharge

adj of advancing the ball by throwing it


  • passing

Related Words

  • football
  • football game


  • running




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