Pravitelstvennyi Vestnik

Pravitel’stvennyi Vestnik


(Government Bulletin), a newspaper, the organ of the Ministry of the Interior, published daily in St. Petersburg from Jan. 1 (13), 1869, to Feb. 26 (Mar. 11), 1917. It replaced Severnaia pochta (Northern Post).

Pravitel’stvennyi vestnik carried directives and communications of the government, reports on sessions of the Council of Ministers and the Council of State, domestic and foreign news, articles on and reviews of books, a stock market guide, and weather reports. It published several supplements, including the newspapers Sel’skii vestnik (Rural Bulletin; 1881–1905; later an independent publication), Vechernie izvestiia (Evening News; March to October 1904), and Russkoe gosudarstvo (Russian State; February to May 1906; later Vechernee pribavlenie [Evening Supplement] to Pravitel’stvennyi vestnik).

After the February Revolution of 1917 Pravitel’stvennyi vestnik was replaced by Vestnik Vremennogo pravitel’stva (Herald of the Provisional Government).