association areas

as·so·ci·a·tion cor·tex

generic term denoting the large expanses of the cerebral cortex that are not sensory or motor in the customary sense, but are involved in advanced stages of sensory information processing, multisensory integration, or sensorimotor integration.
See also: cerebral cortex.
Synonym(s): association areas

as·so·ci·a·tion cortex

, association areas (ă-sō'sē-ā'shŭn kōr'teks, ār'ē-ăz) Generic term denoting the large expanses of the cerebral cortex that are not sensory or motor in the customary sense, but are involved in advanced stages of sensory information processing, multisensory integration, or sensorimotor integration.
See also: cerebral cortex

association areas

Areas of the outer layer of the brain concerned with the integration of sensory and other data with other aspects of brain function, and the elaboration of them into the complex processes underlying higher mental functions such as language, imagination and creativity. Thus, damage to the visual association area, while not in any way affecting the primary function of vision, might lead to an inability to recognize or interpret what is seen.