Pratolini, Vasco
Pratolini, Vasco
Born Oct. 19, 1913, in Florence. Italian writer.
Pratolini published his first stories in 1938. A participant in the anti-Fascist Resistance, he has been an outstanding figure in postwar literary neorealism. His first novellas and novels included Via dei Magazzini (1941; Russian translation, 1958), The District (1945; Russian translation, 1963), and A Family Chronicle (1947; Russian translation, 1958). His best book, A Tale of Poor Lovers (1947; Russian translation, 1956), deals with the life of a working-class street in Florence in the 1920’s; in it he created a comprehensive portrait of the people and depicted heroic communists fighting against fascism. Pratolini’s historical novel Metello (1955; Russian translation, 1958) describes the emergence and development of consciousness in the Italian working class. The novel The Constancy of Reason (1963; Russian translation, 1964) deals with the attitudes of progressive young people in contemporary Italy. In the books Extravagance (1960) and Allegory and Derision (1966), Pratolini abandoned neorealism.
La città ha i miei trent’anni. Milan, 1967.REFERENCES
Potapova, Z. M. Neorealizm v ital’ianskoi literature. Moscow, 1961. Pages 97–131.Akimenko, A. A. “Formirovanie lichnosti molodogo cheloveka v romane V. Pratolini ‘Postoianstvo razuma.’” In Problema lichnosti v sovremennykh zarubezhnykh literaturakh. Leningrad, 1971.
Asor Rosa, A. V. Pratolini. Rome, 1958. (Contains bibliography.)
Longobardi, F. V. Pratolini. [Milan, 1964.] (Contains bibliography.)