pralidoxime chloride

pral·i·dox·ime chlor·ide

(pral'i-dok'sēm klōr'īd, prā-li-), Used to restore the inactivated cholinesterase activity resulting from organophosphate poisoning; has some limited value as an antagonist of the carbamate type of cholinesterase inhibitors that are used in the treatment of myasthenia gravis.

pral·i·dox·ime chlor·ide

(pral'i-dok'sēm klōr'īd) A chloride salt of the oxime pralidoxime; the salt is used as an antidote in cases of poisoning by organophosphorous anticholinesterases (including organophosphorous pesticides and nerve agents).

pralidoxime chloride

(prăl″ĭ-dŏks′ēm) A cholinesterase reactivator used in treating poisoning due to certain pesticides or drugs with anticholinesterase activity.