

A subset of C. The original compiler, written in C by RonCain, appeared in Dr. Dobb's Journal. James E. Hendriximproved and extended the original compiler and published "TheSmall-C Handbook". Both these compilers produced 8080assembly code.

A Small-C compiler based on RatC produced 6502 assembly code for the BBC Microcomputer. It was written in Small-Cand bootstrapped using Zorland C on an Amstrad PC1512under MS-DOS 3.2, then transferred onto a BBC Micro usingKermit. The compiler can be used to cross-compile 6502code from an MS-DOS host, or as a resident Small-Ccompiler on a BBC Micro. It runs on 68000, 6809, VAX,8080, BBC Micro and Zilog Z80.

Posted to comp.sources.unix volume 5.

["The Small-C Handbook," James Hendrix, Reston 1984, ISBN0-8359-7012-4].