Acronym | Definition |
SRE➣Sex and Relationship Education |
SRE➣Size Reduction Equipment |
SRE➣Software Reliability Engineering |
SRE➣Speech Recognition Engine |
SRE➣Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (México) |
SRE➣Serum Response Element (biochemistry) |
SRE➣Sykes & Ray Equities (India) |
SRE➣Senior Resident Engineer (various companies) |
SRE➣Symposium on Requirements Engineering (IEEE International Symposium) |
SRE➣Self Routing (Switch) Element |
SRE➣Search and Retrieval Engine |
SRE➣Skeletal Related Event |
SRE➣Surveillance Radar Equipment |
SRE➣Sancta Romana Ecclesia (Latin: Holy Roman Church, epigraphy) |
SRE➣Special Religious Education (Australia) |
SRE➣Script Rule Editor |
SRE➣Standard for Robot Exclusion |
SRE➣Self Routing Switch Element |
SRE➣Services and Routing Engine (Gateway) |
SRE➣Society of Reliability Engineers (Canada) |
SRE➣Snow Removal Equipment (US FAA) |
SRE➣Seychelles Rupee (national currency) |
SRE➣Standard Renewable Energy (various locations) |
SRE➣Standard for Robot Exclusion (web indexing crawlers) |
SRE➣Software Re-Engineering |
SRE➣Site Reliability Engineer |
SRE➣Signal Reference Earth (electric installations) |
SRE➣Solar Realms Elite (online game) |
SRE➣Shell Real Estate |
SRE➣Software Risk Evaluation |
SRE➣Software Reliability Estimation |
SRE➣Sucre, Bolivia - Sucre (Airport Code) |
SRE➣Schema Runtime Environment (computing) |
SRE➣System Requirements Engineering |
SRE➣SQUID Readout Electronics |
SRE➣Scottish Rootes Enthusiasts |
SRE➣Sources Renouvelables d'Energie (French: Renewable Sources of Energy) |
SRE➣Single Round Effectiveness |
SRE➣Smart Renewable Energies |
SRE➣Settlement Reporting Entity |
SRE➣Search Radar Element |
SRE➣Shift Register Encode |
SRE➣Self-Recovering Equalization |
SRE➣Society for Radiological Engineering |
SRE➣Slow Response Engine |
SRE➣Service Régional de l'Equipement (French: Regional Service of Equipment) |
SRE➣Signaling Reduction Efficiency |
SRE➣Slit Rolled Edge (stainless steel metal surface finish) |