

单词 ras



abbreviation for 1. (Agriculture) Royal Agricultural Society 2. (Astronomy) Royal Astronomical Society
Noun1.RAS - the network in the reticular formation that serves an alerting or arousal functionreticular activating systemneural net, neural network - any network of neurons or nuclei that function together to perform some function in the bodyreticular formation, RF - a complex neural network in the central core of the brainstem; monitors the state of the body and functions in such processes as arousal and sleep and attention and muscle tone



(hardware, storage)Row Address Strobe.


(communications)Remote Access Services.


(system)Reliability, Availability, Serviceability.


(1) See network access server.

(2) (Remote Access Service) A Windows Server feature that allows remote users access to the network from their Windows laptops or desktops via modem. See RRAS and network access server.

(3) (Registration, Admission and Signaling) In an H.323 audio or video system, the RAS is a control channel over which H.225 signaling messages are sent. It provides a central point that all devices monitor for an incoming call signal. See H.225 and H.323.

(4) (Reliability Availability Serviceability) Originally an IBM term, it refers to a computer system's overall reliability, its ability to respond to a failure and its ability to undergo maintenance without shutting it down entirely.

(5) (Row Address Strobe) A clock signal in a memory chip used to pinpoint the row of a particular bit in a row-column matrix. See CAS.



Abbreviation for reticular activating system.


Abbreviation for:
recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Registered Addiction Specialist
renal artery stenosis
renin-angiotensin system
Resource Allocation System 
respiratory assessment service
reticular activating system
retinoic acid syndrome
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus
rotational atherectomy system


Abbreviation for renin-angiotensin system; reticular activating system.


RASRemote Access Service(s)
RASRemote Access Server
RASRoyal Astronomical Society (British)
RASReport Application Server (Crystal Reports)
RASRecirculating Aquaculture System
RASRenin-Angiotensin System
RASRien a Signaler (French: Nothing to Report)
RASRobotics and Automation Society
RASRiver Analysis System
RASRoyal Agricultural Society (Australia and New Zealand)
RASReliability, Availability & Serviceability
RASRegional Air Services (airline; Tanzania)
RASReticular Activating System (Neurologic Physiology)
RASRiunione Adriatica di Sicurtà (Adriatic insurances company, Italy)
RASRenal Artery Stenosis
RASRow Address Strobe
RASRadial Arm Saw
RASRabat American School (Rabat, Morocco)
RASRePEc (Research Papers in Economics) Author Servive
RASRoyal Asiatic Society
RASRussian Academy of Science
RASRetiree Account Statement (US DoD; Defense Finance and Accounting Services )
RASResource Allocation System (various organizations)
RASRemote Authentication Service
RASRemote Administrator Server
RASRaster Image
RASRegistration Admission and Status
RASReassign Allowance Sectors
RASRear Access System
RASResource Allocation System
RASRegistration Authorities
RASRemote Access Service
RASReliability Availability and Serviceability
RASRat Sarcoma
RASRetinoic Acid Syndrome
RASRegistration, Admission, and Status (ITU-T Recommendation H.323)
RASRemote Access Software
RASReplenishment At Sea
RASRestoring Ancient Stabiae (archaeological project; Washington, DC)
RASIEEE Robotics and Automation Society
RASRemedial Action Scheme
RASRoyal African Society
RASRisk Advisory Services (Ernst & Young)
RASRomanian Academic Society (Bucharest, Romania)
RASRadio Astronomy Service
RASRadiological Associates of Sacramento (California)
RASRemote Access System
RASRemote Administration Service (various companies)
RASReusable Asset Specification
RASRAIT Investment Trust (US)
RASRegistered Addiction Specialist
RASSun Raster Format (filename extension)
RASRandom Access Storage
RASRecycled Asphalt Shingles
RASRisk Assessment Standards (auditing)
RASRisk Analysis Service
RASRow Access Strobe (less common)
RASRemote Administration Software
RASResearchers for Asylum Seekers (Australia)
RASRow Address Select
RASResearch Advisory Service (various locations)
RASReasonable Articulable Suspicion
RASReturn Address Stack
RASRates And Services (Pacific Gas & Electric Company)
RASRundfunk-Anstalt Südtirol
RASRedundant Acronym Syndrome
RASRunning and Screaming
RASRestroom Association of Singapore
RASRun and Shoot (game)
RASRunning Around Screaming
RASRequirements Allocation Sheet
RASRight Analog Stick (game controllers)
RASRapid Assessment Survey
RASRear Area Security
RASReturn Air Sensor
RASReliable, Available and Scalable (computing)
RASRegional Affairs Strategist (US Air Force)
RASReflection Anisotropy Spectroscopy (optical probe)
RASRoutine Analytical Services
RASReturned Activated Sludge
RASRemote Access Switch
RASRevenue Accounting System
RASRail Accessory System
RASRhône Alpes Simulation (French flight simulation club; est. 1998)
RASReadiness Assessment System (GCCS)
RASResearch Activity Survey
RASRiver Assault Squadron
RASRadio Advertising Source (Standard Rate and Data Service)
RASRobert Alexander Schumann (classical composer)
RASRoll Angle System
RASRow Address Signal (computer memory)
RASRegimental Aviation Squadron
RASRemedial Action Selection (process/report)
RASRiverside Adult School (California)
RASResearch Associates of Syracuse, Inc.
RASRegimental Aid Station
RASReactor Analysis and Safety
RASRequired At Site
RASResource Access System
RASRadar Absorbent Structure
RASReplication At Sending
RASRecovery Activation Signal
RASRussian Accounting Standard
RASRoll Aspect System
RASRefractive Aberrated Simulator
RASRomanian Airport Services
RASRemote Active Spectrometer
RASRadar Altimeter Set
RASResearch, Analysis & Statistics (US IRS)
RASReasonable Accommodation Services (US IRS and US CDC)
RASRhône-Alpes Spitfire (French automobile club; Rhône-Alpes, France)
RASRegistration Authority Support
RASReclamation of Alkali Soil
RASResource Allocation Software
RASReusable Absorbent System
RASRemote Alarm Station
RASRebellion Against School
RASRoll Angle Sensor (spacecraft instrument)
RASReference Assembly Sequence
RASRecord Association System
RASRemote Antenna Site
RASRemote Airborne Sensor (RFINT sensor carried on board the U-2 aircraft)
RASReceiver Adjacent Signal
RASReserve Advisor Squadron
RASRemote Analog Scanner
RASReserve Airlift Support
RASRadar Augmentation System
RASRecursive Acronym Syndrome
RASRegione Autonoma di Sardegna (Italy)
RASRoyal American Shows LLC (Tampa, FL)
RASRepair Approval Sheet (aviation maintenance)
RASRequest Automation System
RASRepublicans Abroad Switzerland


  • noun

Synonyms for RAS

noun the network in the reticular formation that serves an alerting or arousal function


  • reticular activating system

Related Words

  • neural net
  • neural network
  • reticular formation
  • RF




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